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Write a letter from a father to his son giving advice on right use of television. English Letter for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and B.A, Graduation Classes

Write a letter from a father to his son giving advice on right use of television. Place…… Date……………   Dear………….. I have received your letter. I am glad to know that you, Usha and your Mamma are all right. In your letter you have sought permission to have a Cable T.V. connection at our home. A cable connection would give you options of more channels and still much more programmes. Before...
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Write a letter to a friend who has refused to marry a boy for demanding dowry. English Letter for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and B.A, Graduation Classes.

Write a letter to a friend who has refused to marry a boy for demanding dowry. Place…………….. Date……………..   Dear…… I am in receipt of your letter. I congratulate you for taking a bold decision that you would marry only a person who does not want any dowry. I note with satisfaction that you gave a great shock to your prospective in-laws, who demanded a fat dowry for your marriage with...
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Write a letter to the Commissioner, Municipal Corporation complaining about supply of contaminated water in your area.

Write a letter to the Commissioner, Municipal Corporation complaining about supply of contaminated water in your area. Place…. Date…..   To The Commissioner Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Delhi. Sir, I am constrained to bring to your notice that the residents of Swasthya Vihar have been supplied with contaminated water for the last two days. Though this matter was brought to the notice of the area officials concerned, they chose to ignore...
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Write a letter to your friend describing how you spent your holidays. English Letter for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and B.A, Graduation Classes

Write a letter to your friend describing how you spent your holidays. Place………….. Date………….   Dear………… E I haven’t heard anything from you since we met last. I hope you and your family are well. How did you spend your holidays? This time, Radha and I spent our holidays in a village. It was quite a pleasant experience. Our grand-parents live there. They had insisted on our staying with them during...
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Write a reply to your brother who advised you to give up bad company. English Letter for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and B.A, Graduation Classes.

Write a reply to your brother who advised you to give up bad company. Place….. Date…..   Dear….. Thank you for your letter which has served as an eye-opener for me. Looking back, I now realise my follies. I had slightly deviated from my real path and landed up in bad company. Instead of concentrating on my studies, I had devoted more time to merry-making. My neglect has reflected itself in...
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Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about rising prices. English Letter for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and B.A, Graduation Classes.

Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about rising prices. Place….. Date…….   To The Editor, Indian Express, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi. Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to invite the attention of the government as well as general public towards the problem of price rising. This menace is assuming alarming proportions now-a-days. If it goes unbridled, life would soon become a...
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Write a letter to an ailing friend wishing him a speedy recovery. English Letter for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and B.A, Graduation Classes.

Write a letter to an ailing friend wishing him a speedy recovery. Place… Date…….   Dear……….. I am sorry to hear that you are suffering from jaundice. Though I want to visit you, I am unable to do so due to some pre-occupations. Jaundice is a common disease now-a-days and you need not worry much about it. I was also affected by this disease a few years ago and I could...
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Write a letter to your friend to inform him that you have won first prize in a drawing competition. English Letter for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and B.A, Graduation Classes

Write a letter to your friend to inform him that you have won first prize in a drawing competition. Place….. Date…   Dear……….. I have something very exciting to tell you. I have won the first prize in All Delhi Drawing Competition organised by the Delhi Art and Craft Society. The competition was very tough with a hundred participants, but the judges were unanimous in selecting my drawing for the first...
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