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Letter to “To father giving him news from home” Complete English Personal Letter for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

To father giving him news from home. 25-A, East of Kailash-D New Delhi-110065 February 5, 2007 My dear Father, Your letter, dated January 27, 2007, was greatly exciting as well as joyful. It is heartening to note that your journey to Shimla, the Queen of the Hills, was full of immense thrill and fascination and that you reached your new place of work safe and sound. It appears you like the...
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Meaning of “Chickens Come Home To Roost” phrase of Idiom, definition and synonyms use in sentence.

Chickens Come Home To Roost “Curses are like young chickens : they always come home to roost.” —Arabian proverb. This is another way of saying, with Shakespeare, “The evil that men do lives after them ; the good is oft interred with their bones” (Julius Cesar, III. ii). Both are wise sayings ; yet both are only half-truths, and, as such, are dangerous. The sense of our phrase is that, as...
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Meaning of “What The Dickens !  The Very Dickens !” phrase of Idiom, definition and synonyms use in sentence.

What The Dickens !  The Very Dickens ! “I cannot tell what the dickens his name is.” —SHAKESPEARE : The Merry Wives of Windsor, III. These exclamatory phrases signify either indignation, irritation, impatience, or astonishment. In these senses the word “dickens” is generally used with the interrogative pronouns: “what,” “who,” “how,” “when,” “why,” and “where.” Since the time of the great Victorian novelist, Charles Dickens, it has been natural to associate...
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Meaning of “Put The Cart Before The Horse” phrase of Idiom, definition and synonyms use in sentence.

Put The Cart Before The Horse “The framers of the League [of Nations] Covenant put the cart before the horse by assuming the existence, and permanence, of a community-sense among peace-loving nations, and legislating upon that assumption before it had been proved valid.” —WICKHAM STEED : The Times, 25/7/1936. Many old proverbs naturally have their origin in pastoral and agricultural pursuits. Our present phrase is unquestionably of that order, and means...
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Meaning of “Show The White Feather” phrase of Idiom, definition and synonyms use in sentence.

Show The White Feather “I’ve long guessed . . . that we should find a white feather in thy tail.”—”On Bull-baiting,” Houlston Tracts (1825). To “show the white feather” means to display a mark of inferiority in the moral sphere. : a lack of courage befote an enemy. This is the reason that during the Great War certain young ladies who constituted themselves the guardians of the nation’s manhood, no less...
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Meaning of “Hoist with His Own Petard” phrase of Idiom, definition and synonyms use in sentence.

Hoist with His Own Petard marshal me to knavery. Let it work; for ’tis good sport to have the engineer hoist with his own petard.” —SHAKESPEARE : Hamlet,  Thus Hamlet, in Shakespeare’s play, seeking to foil the designs of the king against him. The phrase means to be caught in one’s own trap. In the early days of the use of cannon in warfare, the French had a species of artillery...
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Meaning of “To Go Scot-Free” phrase of Idiom, definition and synonyms use in sentence.

To Go Scot-Free “Scotfre and gauelfre, on schire and on hundrede.” —Charter of 1066, in Kemble : Cod. Diblom. IV,  When we say that a person has “gone scot-free,” we usually mean that he or she has escaped the payment of any fine or debt or, metaphorically, any form of punishment—just or unjust. There is a common idea that this phrase originates in the free, roving life of those folk who...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “The Telephone” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Telephone Alexander Graham Bell, the famous U.S. Inventor invented the telephone in 1876. Now-a-days, telephone has become a ‘must’ for most of the people. Life, these days, is very fast and busy. A telephone serves us like an honest servant in all the fields. It saves our valuable time and energy to a great extent apart from many of its good uses. At small places a telephone invites enmity and...
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