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Letter on “Manufacturer’s offer to wholesalers” English Business Letter Example.

Letter on “Manufacturer’s offer to wholesalers”   TYRES INDIA LTD. Mahatma Gandhi Road New Delhi 20th January … Dear Sirs Reports from users all over the world confirm what we already knew before the now-famous DUNLOP Tyre was put on the market—that is the realisation of every car-owner’s dream. This list of shortcomings of the ordinary tyre must be well-known to you; punctures, wall failure under sudden stress, lack of road...
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Letter to the Principal, concerning son’s career. English Letter for Class 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Examinations.

To Principal, concerning son’s career To   The Principal Jagat Convent School Paschim Vihar New Delhi Dear Sir I should be most grateful if you could spare me a few minutes to discuss the problem of Rajesh’s future career. If, as we hope, lie gains a School Certificate this summer, we propose that he should leave school. The difficulty lies in the fact that Rajesh seems quite unable to determine the...
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Letter to the principal, concerning daughter’s ill-treatment. English Letter for Class 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Examinations.

The principal, concerning daughter’s ill-treatment To The Principal D.A.V. Public School Sector 14 Faridabad Dear Madam I do not like making complaints but I think you might know that Deepti came home yesterday with a serious cut over her eye and in a rather emotional state. It appears that she had been struck by a boy—I think his name is Goonjan—who simply terrifies her. It was difficult to get the full...
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Letter to the Principal, concerning son’s report. English Letter for Class 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Examinations.

Letter to the principal, concerning son’s report To The Principal Rainbow Public School Paschim Vihar New Delhi-63 Dear Sir I was most distressed to receive Aditya’s report yesterday. I have examined it most carefully and it would appear that, with the single exception of games, his work has been thoroughly unsatisfactory. I am, first of all, anxious to assure you that I am in no way attaching any blame to you...
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Hindi Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Vasant Ritu”, “वसंत ऋतु” Complete Essay for Class 9, 10, 12 Students.

वसंत ऋतु Vasant Ritu निबंध नंबर : 01 भारत ऋतुओं का देश है जितनी ऋतुओं का आनंद यहाँ के लोग उठाते हैं। वह अन्यत्र दुर्लभ है। यहाँ का ऋतु-क्रम इस प्रकार है-वसंत, ग्रीष्म, पावस (वर्षा), शरद्, हेमंत और शिशिर ऋतु। इनमें वसंत ऋतु को प्रथम स्थान प्राप्त है और इसे ऋतुराज (ऋतुओं का राजा) कहा जाता है। हेमंत और शिशिर की शीतलहरी जब ठहर जाती है, तब प्रकृति में सुंदरता बिखेरते...
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English Essay on “Five Year Plans” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, 12 Students.

Five Year Plans Ever since India got its independence, we are working on our economy L as per the Five Year Plans. This system of framing Five Year Plans was a good arrangement devised, by which the growth in different spheres could be suggested monitored while functioning and changed if the necessity arose. These mega plans have served us as building blocks of our national economy. A brief overview of these...
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English Essay on “Economic Liberalization” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, 12 Students.

Economic Liberalization Let us first consider what really does this word of economic liberalization mean. This means in very simple terms, a free market economy. The idea of liberalization endorses is to eliminate an inefficient and non-productive system. It was during the early eighties that, the need for boosting up Indian economy was first felt. Even though the performance in all sectors, industrial and agricultural was quite satisfactory, it was being...
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English Essay on “The Ogre of Corruption” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, 12 Students.

The Ogre of Corruption In the last two decades of the existence of independence, India has seen a steep upward trend in the graph of existing corruption. The media, the public, the variety of forums for discussions and debates for the higher intelligentsia are all neck-deep buried in highlighting the rampant corruption in every sphere. In this debate, the rural folk are also not far behind These days they are also...
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