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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Holi – Festival of Colors” Complete English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Holi – Festival of Colors

Top 3 Essay on Holi Festival

Essay No. 01

Holi, the festival of colors, is a prominent festival of India. It announces the arrival of the ‘spring season’, which is the end of the winter season. It is an occasion of fun and frolic. People of all ages celebrate it with gusto.

Various legends are connected with the colorful festival. Some believe this festival is celebrated in honour of Lord Krishna who killed a demon and gave untold joy to the people. Many others believe that it is celebrated in honour of Prahlad who came out unscathed out of the fire while ‘Holika’, the sister of Hiranayakashyap Was burnt to ashes. Narhasingh killed Hiranyakashyap and since then this day is celebrated by playing with colours.

This festival is celebrated on two days, known as ‘Chhoti Holi’ and ‘Bari Holi’ or ‘Dulahandi’. On the ‘Chhoti Holi’ day, ladies and children worship a big pile of wood. They throw rice and burn incense at it. Then at night at the auspicious hour, this heap of wood is set on fire. People sing and dance around this burning heap of wood and embrace each other. Then comes the day called Dulhandi’, the day, of colored water, and ‘Gulal’.

People move about the streets throwing color on each other and everybody. They smear ‘Gulal’ on the forehead of each other. The children are ready with syringes and a bucketful of colored water. They throw it on anybody and everybody and nobody’s minds. Water Balloons are thrown on the people. In the afternoon feasts are enjoyed and sweets are distributed.

This festival has taken a bad form also. Ruffians try to touch girls on the pretext of smearing ‘Gulal’ on their faces. Some people throw mud and dirt. Some worship the god of wine, consume `bhang’ and other intoxicants. Then quarrels take place.

This festival unites friends and foes. It is our sacred duty to celebrate this festival in the right spirit. Nothing should be done to make this colorful festival colorless.


Essay No. 02



India is a land of festivals. Holi is one of the most popular festivals one of them. It is observed on the full moon night of Phalguna. It marks the beginning of a new season.

Now the winter ends and spring begins. It is a two-day festival. On the first night, a bonfire is lighted. People gather around the fire and make merry.

The next day morning the festival of Holi starts. People throw coloured water, balloons and coloured powder on each other.

They beat drums and danced with joy. Their slogan is ‘Hon Hai’. Some people celebrate it in a dirty way. It should be stopped by the police.

Holi reminds us of Bhakta Prahalad. Prahalad was a great devotee of God. But his father, a big demon, forbade him to remember God. The demon father tried to kill Prahalad by various means.

One day he put Prahalad into a blazing fire. But by the grace of God, Prahalad came out of the fire alive and unscathed.



Essay No. 03

Holi-The Festival of Love and Joy

Holi is a festival of colours that generally falls on a full moon in March. It is also a festival of love and unity and celebrates the triumph of good over evil. The festival is celebrated with a lot of pomp in north India. Holi is celebrated with vibrant colours – these colour are actually colours of joy, colours of love, and colours that fill our life with happiness to the core of our hearts. It adorns each life with its various hues. There are many legends given as the reasons for celebrating Holi. Long ago there was a king named Hiranyakashyapu, he had a son, Prahlad – a holy spirit and highly devoted to God. But Prahlad’s devotion enraged Hiranyakashyap and he planned to kill his own son. He asked her sister Holika, who was immune to fire, to sit in fire taking Prahlad in her lap. Fortunately, Prahlad, who was blessed by Lord, was saved and Holika was burnt to ashes. This gave birth to the festival of Holi. Another legend speaks of the everlasting love between Radha and Krishna. The legend is celebrated with great pomp and show.


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