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Essay on “If I Were a Wall Clock” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

If I Were a Wall Clock

A wall clock is something that decorates a wall and, at the same time, keeps pace with the passage of time.

If I were a wall clock, I would like to be a unique piece, as if a BIG BEN, in a massive Drawing Room of the house of an industrialist. This is what all I’d like to possess if I were to be a wall Clock. Now, I’ would also like to have a specific appearance also, a little different from others that can be seen very commonly. My body would be encased in a golden frame, the needles, and the numbers would all be of gold, and, the flat surface red. Aha! I’d look so glamorous and attractive, standing upright in the middle of a high and long wall of the Drawing Room.

This place of my settling would be very interesting as, guests would come in and out of the place daily. While sitting in the drawing room all Visitors would make me feel flattered by their words of praise for my looks and me. Besides this fun of hearing my own praises, I would have a gala time in overseeing their looks and overhearing their discussions Of this mundane world. Their problems, their scandals, and other medley of talks would keep me occupied and entertained each day of my life in this house. Life would be very interesting and I would feel so very upbeat when, my mistress would herself come to me every morning and clean me up with her own soft and beautiful hands. She would give me some sort of a massage with a soft cloth that would give me the feeling of being so fresh. Her delicate hands moving over my entire body would make me feel pampered and loved, and Oh! how much I’d _ bless her for caressing me early in the morning and give . me the inspiration to work well and accurately throughout the day.

My work would be to give the time to the household and . every chime given by me each hour would keep the entire ‘ ‘ household alert and active. Every one would depend upon me for being punctual at his / her appointed time of Work. This would make me feel very important, and thus inspire ‘ me to work efficiently. My efficiency would go to my credit, and my owners would then love me all the more. I’d feel that, the entire household work as per my dictates as per my given time Aha, what a wonderful feeling to have one of importance in a family.

At times, when my health would give me even the slightest trouble, my heart would miss beats, for, I would wonder what would come to pass. I would wonder how I would serve my family if my health gave way, and this thought would depress me. This big question would keep me disturbed and till my health would, come back on the rails I’ and, I would once again be in a fit condition to serve, I would remain out of mood. My masters would love me so much that, they would in my illness, try to send me for recovery and repairs to a well-known shop. Once the shop told them that I could be repaired they would feel happy, and this would also give me some satisfaction. I would be left in the repair shop and, my master and I would both part with heavy hearts within us. After the appointed time, my master would come to take me home and this would be ever so much of a thrill the thought of returning home after a short illness would be Very refreshing and I would feel rejuvenated once again. Once back home, I would be hung again on the same place on the wall, and I would feel so much at home, once again, I would henceforth be on duty till health permits, I would think.

This life as a wall clock would be full of glory beauty and of course duty wonderful existence, I think.


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