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Write a Letter Enquiring about Position of Goods (sent for shipping), Complete Letter.

Write a Letter Enquiring about Position of Goods (sent for shipping)


Kumara swamy and Sons

18 South Diamond Point


3rd June, 2011

M/s Corporate Forwarding Agents

Silver Bells Road


Dear Sirs,

Please note that on 21st April 2011 we had sent one R/R No. 124896 dated 20th April 2011 for 45 cases of readymade garments for shipping the same to 18 different destinations.

Even a period of one and a half months has elapsed, but we have not heard anything from your end.

Kindly let us know by return of post as to when we may expect the documents.

Thanking You

Yours Faithfully

For Kumaraswamy and Sons



Write a Counter Reply to the above Letter

Kumaraswamy and Sons

18 South Diamond Point


12th June, 2011

M/s Corporate Forwarding Agents

Silver Bells Road


Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your letter dated 8th June 2011.

Further to this, we have handed over additional 18 copies of freight certificates to Mr. Peter.

Also, please find enclosed our Cheque No. 5747423 dated 12th June 2011 drawn onGrindlays Bank, Hyderabad for 60000.

Kindly arrange to send us the documents and your official receipt for the same at your earliest convenience.

Thanking You


Yours Faithfully

Kumaraswamy and Sons



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