Universal Rules of Spacing while Typing
“These rules are very important for candidates who are appearing for typing test (Govt. /Private)”
Spacing is the most important feature of typing, remember following rules of Spacing while use space bar.
. (period)—space once after when used with abbreviation or initials, space twice after at the end of a sentence.
, (comma)—space once after
; (semi-colon)—space once after
: (colon)—space twice after except when stating time
? (question mark)—space twice after at the end of a sentence
* (asterisk)—no space between word and symbol
! (exclamation point)—space twice after at the end of a sentence
@ (at)—one space before and after except in an email address
# (number/pound symbol)—no space between figure and symbol
$ (dollar sign)—no space after
% (percent)—no space before
& (ampersand)—space once before and after
“” (quotation)—no space after beginning, one space after ending
– (hyphen)—no space before or after
— (dash)—no space before or after
/ (slash or diagonal)—no space before or after
+ (plus)—one space before and after
> (greater than)—no space before or after
< (less than)—no space before or after
( (left parenthesis)—no space after
) (right parenthesis)—no space before, one space after
= (equals)—space before and after
‘ (apostrophe)—no space before or after