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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”Beware of Hypocrites” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

Beware of Hypocrites Once a fox was roaring in a forest searching for food. As to his bad luck, he got caught up in a trap. He tried his best to get free but lost his tail in the struggle. He felt very small, thinking that now, every fox would laugh at him. He felt so sad that he thought of committing suicide. But then he said to himself, “It is...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”Excess of Anything is Bad” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

Excess of Anything is Bad Once upon a time there was a pasture nThe pigeons came to know that he was not one of them. They pecked at his body so mercilessly that he started bleeding. The crow flew away to save his life and went straight to his own brethren- the crows. But because of his painted body, they refused to accept him. So, he was forced to flee in...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”Never Pretend What You are Not” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

Never Pretend What You are Not   Once there was a crow that lived near a farm-house. The owner of the farm had kept some pigeons and he fed them with grains regularly. The crow looked at the pigeons and envied them everyday. Deciding to share the feed, the crow painted his body like that of pigeons and joined the pigeons as one of them. Thus, he was able to enjoy...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”Say The Truth But Don’t Hurt Anyone’s Feelings” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12.

Say The Truth But Don’t Hurt Anyone’s Feelings Jupiter, the chief of gods, was getting married. He decided to celebrate the event by hosting a reception. He invited all the animals living on land and in water to attend the banquet. All the animals came to attend the feast but the tortoise didn’t come. Jupiter was surprised at his absence. After few days, Jupiter came across the tortoise and asked him,...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”Learn to Grasp The Nettles, If You Want Berries” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12.

Learn to Grasp The Nettles, If You Want Berries Once, a boy was playing near some hedges laden with berries that appeared ripe and juicy. His mouth watered and he licked his chops. Immediately, he started gathering the berries. Just then he got stung sharply by a nettle. He started feeling pain and soon, a rash appeared on his hand. Leaving the collection of berries, he ran home and with tears...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”Unwise Start Leads to a Sad End” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

Unwise Start Leads to a Sad End Once, there was a mouse that had his hole near a pool in a thick forest. A frog often came out for basking in the sun. Within no time, they became buddies. But the friendship of a frog and mouse is highly undesirable because the frog’s home is in water and the mouse on land. One day the frog said to the mouse, “let’s...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”Keep Your Eyes Open” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

Keep Your Eyes Open Once upon a time there was a lion that grew so old that he was unable to kill any prey for his food. So, he said to himself, “I must do something to stay my stomach else I will die of starvation.” He kept thinking and thinking and at last an idea clicked him. He decided to lie down in the cave pretending to be ill and...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”High Rank Needs a High Sense” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

High Rank Needs a High Sense   One day, all the animals of a forest gathered to choose their king. The monkey danced such gay abandon there that everyone felt delighted. So, his name was proposed for kingship. Everyone voted in his favour and he became the king. But the fox couldn?t tolerate the monkey rising to a high position. He felt envy of him and decided to humiliate him. One...
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