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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”Writing a Book” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

Writing a Book “LET us write a book,” they said; “but what shall it be about ?” “A fairy story,” said the elder sister. ” A book about kings and queens,” said the other. “Oh, no,” said the brother, “let’s write about animals.” “We will write about them all,” they cried together. So they put the paper, and pens, and ink ready. The elder sister took up a fairy story and...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”The Light on the Hills” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

The Light on the Hills “I WANT to work at my picture,” he said, and went into the field. The little sister went too, and stood by him watching while he painted. “The trees are not quite straight,” she said, presently, “and oh, dear brother, the sky is not blue enough.” “It- will all come right soon,” he answered. “Will it be of any good?” “Oh yes,” she said, wondering that...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”Money Can’t Buy Everything” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

Money Can’t Buy Everything Nick is a 10 year old boy. He is the only son to his parents. His father is a busy business man and he could hardly spend time with his son. Nick’s father would reach after he sleeps and move out before he wakes up or will sleep until he leaves for school. Hardly, his father would accompany him or join with family. Just like any other...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”17 Camels and 3 Sons” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

17 Camels and 3 Sons Long…long ago, an old man was living with his three sons in a deserted village, located in the vicinity of a desert. He earned for his life with his 17 camels. He used to rent out camels as means of shipping in the desert. One day, he passed away and he had a will, leaving his assets for his three sons. Camels Story After all the...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”When Adversity Knocks” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

When Adversity Knocks Mary was a young girl. She had a major problem that she got annoyed with everything. She felt bad about everything and just always carried a negative thinking. She used to get angry as well as got frightened of everything. She developed all these negative aspects suddenly. One day she felt she was so miserable and requested help from her dad. She told him that if she was...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”Foolish Monkeys” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

Foolish Monkeys   Before several centuries, there was a very large, dense and dark forest. A group of monkeys arrived at the forest. It was winter season, and the monkeys struggled hard to survive the freezing cold nights. They were hunting for fire to get warm. One night, they saw a firefly and considered it a dab of fire. All the monkeys in the group shouted ‘Fire, Fire, Fire, Yeah we...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”Real Solution to Problems” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

Real Solution to Problems A group of employees was working in a software company. It was a team of 30 employees. This was a young, energetic and dynamic team with keen enthusiasm and desire to learn and grow. The management decided to teach the employees about finding real solution to the problems. The team was called to play a game in a banquet hall. The group was quite surprised as they...
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