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English Short Story, Moral Story ”The Disobedient Boy” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

The Disobedient Boy There was a boy who was very fond of cashew nuts. His mother gave him a few nuts. The boy always wanted for more nuts. He always asked his mother “Mummy, give me some more nuts”. But his mother always replied “Too many nuts is not good, my son. If you eat too many at a time you will get stomach-pain”. One day his mother had been to...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”The Cows and The Lion” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

The Cows and The Lion There was a village near a jungle. The village cows used to go up to the jungle in search of food. In the forest there lived a wicked lion. He used to kill a cow now and then and eat her. This was happening for quite sometime. The cows were frightened. One day, all the cows held a meeting. An old cow said, “Listen everybody, the...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”The Crooked Tree” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

The Crooked Tree It was a dense forest. All trees were straight and tall. Their trunks were broad and shapely. But, there was one tree which was having a crooked and shapeless trunk. The crooked trunk tree was sad. He thought “How ugly I am! All others are straight and shapely. I alone have crooked trunk.” One day a wood-cutter came there. He looked around and said “I will cut all...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”The Cockerel” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

The Cockerel In a pretty little house, there once lived a neat old widow who wore the cleanest caps and the finest kerchief you ever saw in your life. She was very fond of washing and scrubbing and baking and sewing! Everybody who knew her used to say that she was the most hard-working lady they had ever seen and an example to the whole village. This good woman had two...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”The Cat and The Fox” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

The Cat and The Fox A cat and a fox were once discussing about hounds. The cat said, “I hate hounds. They are very nasty animals. They hunt and kill us”. The fox said, “I hate hounds more than you”. . The cat asked, “How do you save yourself from hounds?” The fox replied, “There are many tricks to get away from hounds”. The cat asked “Can you say what your...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”The Cap-Seller and The Monkeys” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

The Cap-Seller and The Monkeys Once, there was a cap-seller in a town. On one fine day, he was selling caps. “Caps, caps, caps….Five rupees caps, ten rupees caps….” After he made few sales of caps, he became very tired. He decided to sit under a big tree to take rest for a while. Soon, he slept off. There were many monkeys on the big tree. They saw the cap-seller was...
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