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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”The Old Witch” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

The Old Witch There was once a little girl who was very obstinate and disobedient. How could such a girl be happy? One day she said to her parents, “I have heard so much of the old witch that I will go and see her. People say that she is a wonderful old woman and has many marvelous things in her house and I am very curious to see them.” Her...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”The Mother Frost” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

The Mother Frost There was once a widow who had two daughters one of whom was beautiful and industrious and the other ugly and lazy. She behaved most kindly, however, to the ugly one cruelly to the other because she was her stepdaughter and made her do all the hard work and live like a kitchen maid. The poor maiden was forced out daily on her highroad and had to sit...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”The Mongoose and The Child” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

The Mongoose and The Child Once, there lived a farmer and his wife. They had a little son. The farmer had a pet mongoose. The little boy and the mongoose were fond of each other. They were good playmates. One day the farmer was busy at his fields. The farmer’s wife had left to the market. The little boy was fast asleep in a cradle. The mongoose was lying down near...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”The Milk-Maid’s Dream” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

The Milk-Maid’s Dream Radha was a milkmaid. She was carrying a pot of milk. She had to deliver milk to her customers in a nearby village. As she was walking she kept on dreaming. She said to herself, “With the money I get from selling this milk, I will buy some eggs. The eggs will hatch into fine chicken. The chicken will grow into hens. I will sell the hens and...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”The Little Elves ” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

Story No. 01   The Little Elves  There was once a shoemaker who, from no fault of his own, had become so poor that at last he had nothing left, but a piece of leather just sufficient for one pair of shoes. In the evening he cut out the leather intending to make it up in the morning and as he had a good conscience, he lay quietly down to sleep...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”The Lion and The Mouse” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

Story No. 01 The Lion and The Mouse A lion was sleeping in a forest. A mouse started playing on it. The lion was disturbed and arose from his sleep. It caught up the mouse angrily and tried to crush it to death. Then the mouse prayed the lion to leave him off and assured that it would help him when it needed. The lion laughed at it and let him...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”The Lion and The Hog” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

The Lion and The Hog A lion came to a small stream to drink water. At the same time a hog also came there to drink. Each one of them claimed to drink first. The wordy duel between them became a big fight. There was a fierce fight and both of them became tired. When they took rest for a while, they saw two vultures waiting for eating the defeated. So...
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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”The Lion and The Frog” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

The Lion and The Frog There was a lion in a forest. It was sleeping under a tree near a pond. Suddenly a noise was heared. The lion was disturbed by the noise. It awake from its sleep. The noise was continuously coming from the pond. So the lion was annoyed as it was not able to sleep. There was frog in the pond. The lion came to know the frog...
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