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Paragraph on “Achievements of the Elizabethan Age” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Achievements of the Elizabethan Age    Elizabeth I gave England the strong government which it had lacked since the death of her father, Henry VIII, in 1547. Her policy was marked by moderation and caution in all things. By firmly establishing the Church of England, with herself at its head, she found a  solution to the religious problem which  satisfied the majority of her subjects. In her relations with foreign countries...
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Paragraph on “Why is Elizabeth I remembered as a Great Queen?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Why is Elizabeth I remembered as a Great Queen?   During her short five-year reign, Queen Mary Tudor had become much disliked because of her religious views, her marriage with Philip of Spain who was a  Catholic , and her disastrous war against France, which resulted in the loss of Calais, England’s last French possession. Therefore when Mary died in November 1558 and was succeeded as queen by Elizabeth, there was...
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Paragraph on “Why do cuckoos have foster parents?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Why do cuckoos have foster parents? Because cuckoos breed parasitically ! That is, the cuckoo hen places her egg in the nest of another bird and leaves it to hatch and be fed and nourished by a foster mother, so forcing her young to live on the hospitality of a different species. Each cuckoo hen confines her breeding activities to a particular territory, and after having mated, spends much of her...
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Paragraph on “Why do birds migrate and how do they find their way?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Why do birds migrate and how do they find their way? Many species of birds migrate in winter to a warmer climate, but it is puzzling as to exactly how they find their way ! Many birds follow coastlines and are able to recognise landmarks, for they have good eyesight. Scientists believe that some birds such as pigeons, gulls and the Manx shearwater use the sun or the stars as a...
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Paragraph on “Can all Birds fly?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Can all Birds fly? Millions of years ago, before the earth began to break up into the shapes of the continents and islands as we know them today, most birds could fly. But as the oceans covered strips of land which once connected land masses, and continents began to form by earth movements, animals which could not fly, unlike the birds, became restricted to certain parts of the earth. This meant...
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Paragraph on “How do male penguins help to look after the eggs?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

How do male penguins help to look after the eggs? Not all birds build nests for their young at breeding time, and the emperor penguin, which lives at the South Pole, is one of them. The female emperor, the largest of the penguin family, at about 107 cm (42 in) high, lays her one egg onto the snow or ice, then the male immediately rolls it onto his feet with the...
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Paragraph on “Is it possible to bend light?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Is it possible to bend light? You cannot shine a torch round a corner because light normally travels in straight lines. When light hits something several different things may happen to it. If the object is black then almost all the light will be soaked up. If it is white most of the light will bounce off in all directions and we will see it clearly. If it is coloured then...
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