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Letter from a Lady Breaking off an Engagement

Dear Saurabh, I am writing to ask you to do a thing which I fear will give you pain, but which, after serious thought I have decided will be best for us both. I wish you to free me from my engagement. I will be perfectly frank with you.  I now know that I never really loved you, and that it was the ardour of your  love for me more than...
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Love Letter Example “Love Letter from a Man” with reply

Love Letter from a Man Darling, Monday again- and another black Monday, because I’ve got to wait for five long days before I see you again. I should be feeling utterly miserable if I hadn’t got to many wonderful hopes and memories to keep company. And after all, it was only yesterday that we were together, so I really ought not to grumble. Rina dearest, I tried to tell you last...
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How to Write Letters of Love, Engagement and Marriage with Example

Letters of Love, Engagement and Marriage “Loveless marriages are horrible. But there is one thing worse than absolutely love less marriage, a marriage in which there is love but on one side only, and in which of the two hearts one is sure to be broken.” Oscar Wilde Love letters are the most highly personal of all forms of correspondence, and it would be misleading to try to lay down any...
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