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Essay on “Vocational Education ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Vocational Education   What is our usual idea of an educated person? It is that he must have read many books and read them intelligently. We may laugh over the super-subtleties or we may scoff at the book worm pouring over voluminous books–but that is our idea of an educated person or used to be. Of late, background and aptitude count. Vocational education has many advantages. It helps a person choose his...
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Essay on “High Prices and Their Effects” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  High Prices and Their Effects   The money market is a strange circle. It seems difficult to say when it works properly. Looking back, in the thirties-some 12 years after the first World War–prices were very low and business was dull. It seemed to be a bad time for traders. Bernard Shaw once said that when profits from peacetime business are low, merchants raise a hue and cry and consciously...
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Essay on “The Twelfth Lok Sabha Elections” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  THE TWELFTH LOK SABHA ELECTIONS   The Lok Sabha elections was marked by a fundamental change in electoral politics of India. For the first time since independence a new government led by BJP and allies was formed. Hung Parliament and coalition government has come to stay as the remarkable feature of Indian politics. The question of political stability and the need for change were the main issues in the election...
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Essay on “Electoral Reforms” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  ELECTORAL REFORMS Synopsis: India is the biggest democracy in the world. Since independence, there have been 11 Lok Sabha and a number of elections to the State Assemblies. Elections are controlled and supervised by the Election Commission. But there are many ills and distortions in the process of election and they need an immediate remedy. Because of a lack of political consensus, a wide package of reforms has been pending....
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Essay on “The Problem of Poverty” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  THE PROBLEM OF POVERTY Synopsis: the poverty in India is on increase, especially in the villages and countryside. In spite of 50 years of independence there is no perceptible improvement in the quality of life and living standards. Millions and millions suffer from starvation and malnutrition. Official figures about the people living below poverty line are not realiable as they are often manipulated. An objective and scientific methodology in this...
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Essay on “Secularism” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Secularism Essay No. 01  Synopsis: India has never been a communal and theocratic country. Unity in cultural and religious has been the essence of Indianness. Followers of different and alien faiths came to India and became an integral part of it. India has been a meeting point and melting pot of various faiths and cultures. Communal tensions and conflicts are relatively of recent origin and can be attributed to the...
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Essay on “Defence Preparedness and Security Challenges” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  DEFENCE PREPAREDNESS AND SECURITY CHALLENGES   Synopsis: The bitter memories of Indo-China war in 1962 are still fresh in our minds. There are still many gaps in our defence. In recent years our defence budget has declined sharply in comparison to that of our neighbours. China has been helping Pakistan militarily and it is a matter of great concern. There is undesirable pressure on India in the name N.P.T. and C.T.B.T....
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Essay on “Corruption Unbound” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  CORRUPTION UNBOUND               Synopsis: Corruption in India has acquired new dimensions. Its boundless sway is in direct relation and proportion to our moral degradation and erosion of values. Making a quick buck by fair means or foul has become the only aim of life, giving rise to all kinds of evil and self-defeating practices. Giving and accepting bribes of modern materialistic life. Political leaders and parties are the most...
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