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Essay on “ISI – A Threat to India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

ISI – A Threat to India The intelligence community of Pakistan consists of ‘the Intelligence Bureau (IB) formed by the division of pre-partition IB of British India and ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) formed after the unsatisfactory performance of IB (Pakistan) in 1948 in the first Indo-Pak War (1947-48) over Jammu and Kashmir. The ISI is manned by officers from the three services to specialize in the collection, analysis and assessment of external...
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Essay on “Private Sector versus Public Sector” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Private Sector versus Public Sector The old debate on the public versus the private sector—which one of the two is better for the growth of Indian economy—has been long alive. It has assumed increased importance with India’s recent impressive performance in all fields—from IT to computer software, from telecommunications to health, from generation of energy to manufacturing of industrial goods. While the popular belief is that most of the public sector...
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Essay on “Non-violence” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Non-violence Non-violence is the law of our species as violence is the I N law of the brute–so spoke Mahatma Gandhi, celebrating the need and nature of the principle of non-violence for mankind. All wise men down the ages have preached the doctrine of love and non-violence. Zoroaster, Buddha, Mahavira, Christ, and Nanak primarily emphasised a moral code that gave due status to non-violence. Non-violence is a philosophy of life, a...
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Essay on “An Apolitical Defence Force” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

An Apolitical Defence Force Good governance is the right and expectation of every citizen. Citizens exercise their right to vote in the hope and belief that the party they vote for will bring peace and prosperity to the country and a better quality of life for the citizens. Politics, therefore, is a part of citizens’ life and as soldiers are also citizens, they also have the right to vote. However, as...
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Essay on “The Politics of Information” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Politics of Information The recent communication explosion is the beginning of a new era in the history of mankind. This era is characterized, on the one hand, by the rising aspirations and expectations of millions of people living in the Third World and, on the other. by the emergence of new forms of domination and colonialism. The recent advances in the field of science and technology have led to an...
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Essay on “People’s Participation in Development” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

People’s Participation in Development People’s participation is becoming the central issue of our times. The democratic transition in many developing countries, the collapse of several socialist regimes and the worldwide emergence of people’s organizations—these are all parts of historic change, not just isolated events. People today have an urge–an impatient urge—to participate in the events and processes that shape and influence their lives. And that impatience brings many dangers and opportunities....
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Essay on “Transforming Our Huge Population into Human Resource” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Transforming Our Huge Population into Human Resource India is a large nation with a huge population. In terms of population, India is next only to China, which is the most populated nation in the world. However, considering the rate at which India’s population is growing, the day is not far off when India would overtake China. Many social scientists blame India’s overgrown population on the country’s social and economic backwardness. Their...
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Essay on “The Two-Child Norm for Population Control” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Two-Child Norm for Population Control Children covered in dust, with runny noses and matted hair, begging at street corners or playing or lolling about at construction sites, overcrowded schools, traffic jams. growing slums, shortage of water, electricity and other amenities, environmental degradation, indeed, any failure of the infrastructure and we attribute it to growing population. True, to a certain extent, population does put pressure, immensely at that, on limited resources....
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