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Essay on “Development and Population Control” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Development and Population Control Essay No. 01 According to many analysts, development is the best contraceptive”. But if we look at India, there seems to be some doubt about the truth of this statement. In India, planned development and family planning have been going on for over five decades now. But our population problem has only become more disturbing over the time. The fruits of development are seen on the food...
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Essay on “The Problems of Old Age” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Problems of Old Age Everyone wants to live long but no one wants to grow old. This phenomenon is really funny. Old age is viewed as an unavoidable undesirable and problem-ridden phase of life that we all are compelled to live, marking time until our final exit from life itself. Perceiving old age with fear is actually a rather recent phenomenon. This fear seems to increase as each day passes...
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Essay on “Torture: The Living Death” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Torture: The Living Death Torture is, undoubtedly, the most barbaric form of human punishment. It takes a war or a custodial death to revive the discussion in the subject. The horrendous stories of torture appear in prime slots of television channels magazines and newspapers with passionate and furious critics adding to the fervor. Disappointingly, these stories remain just stories for the masses to read, lament on and eventually dismiss as yet...
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Essay on “Sports sans Sportsmanship” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Sports sans Sportsmanship Sports events are essentially social in character. They facilitate the coming together of people from various parts of the country, at a national level, and various parts of the world, at the international level. Sports make people cross cultural barriers and speak a language that is understood by all. The World Sports Congress, held in New Delhi, emphasised that sports could play a major role in promoting and...
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Essay on “Laughter, Truth, and Universality” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Laughter, Truth, and Universality Doctors don’t like their ilk to be portrayed in a bad light in fiction or film, at least in India. The same goes for our nurses, teachers, policemen and any number of professionals. And let us not forget lawyers who would readily hold the entire law courts to ransom at the sign of slightest of slights, imagined or real. If one member of any profession is shown...
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Essay on “Foreign Media in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Foreign Media in India With India adopting the economic reform programme in the 1990s, foreign companies and establishments have been making their presence felt in the Indian scene. The various sectors of domestic industry one after the other have witnessed external competition with the unfurling of the country’s globalisation policies. Therefore, not surprisingly, the media’s turn has come as well. Doors have already been opened to the foreign electronic media. The...
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Essay on “The Child is the Father of Man” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Child is the Father of Man The celebrated English poet, William Wordsworth said, “The Child is the Father of Man.” Indeed, a seed of the oak or the banyan tree is tiny, but in a matter of years, it is transformed into a huge tree. Perhaps, the same is true of human beings. Modern scientists are inclinded to state that genes, or rather the X and Y chromosomes, are the...
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Essay on “If the British had not Colonised India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

If the British had not Colonised India History cannot be altered and its myriad paths would follow their own destined course. However, it would not be entirely futile to involve our imagination in visualizing the course of history if such and such an event had not taken place. One such occurrence is the British colonialism in India. The British colonised India gradually and established their rule over the country for more...
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