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Essay on “A Burnt Child dreads the fire” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Burnt Child dreads the fire Outline: A burnt child is afraid of the fire – a bad experience makes us careful -experience is the best teacher – no amount of advice is of any use – it is soon forgotten we learn best from our personal experience. This proverb says that a burnt child dreads the fire. If a child goes too near a fire, it will burn itself. The...
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Essay on “Mock not a Cobbler his Black Thumbs” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Mock not a Cobbler his Black Thumbs Outline: A cobbler’s thumbs get black because of the work he does—he should not be despised for that – we should not despise anyone on account of the work he does—however humble that work may be – there is dignity in honest work -everyone must be taught to respect the dignity of labour. A cobbler does a humble job. He makes an honest living...
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Essay on “Laugh and be Merry” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Laugh and be Merry Outline: The context and meaning of the line – the defeatist attitude to life – the attitude of cheerfulness – laughter – a sense of humour. In one of his popular poems John Mansfield exhorts us to laugh and be merry. He reminds us that life is brief and we should make the best of it. God created the world out of joy— the joy that is...
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Essay on “Make Hay While the Sun Shines” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Make Hay While the Sun Shines Essay  No. 01 Outline: The meaning of the proverb — the importance of using opportunities —some examples — a less serious interpretation of the proverb. Hay is grass cut and dried for use as animal food. The proverb exhorts us to make hay while there is sunshine, that is, to dry the grass by exposing it to the sun, for in Western countries sunshine is...
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Essay on “Peace Hath Her Victories No Less Renowned than War” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Peace Hath Her Victories No Less Renowned than War Outline: Alleviation of human misery – intellectual pursuits – scientific discoveries and inventions – conclusion. Many emperors, kings and generals have won great victories on the battlefields and their glories are sung with loud praises. But these victories were brought at a fearful cost. Millions of people died, cities were destroyed and countries devastated, resulting in untold human misery. The victories of...
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Essay on “The Apparel of Proclaims the Man” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Apparel of Proclaims the Man Outline: The context and the meaning – clothes indicate one’s income – they throw light on character – the Gandhi cap and the Nehru shirt – exceptions, etc. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet Polonius inflicts elaborate advice on his son who is going to Paris. Instructing him to pay particular attention to his dress, he says, the apparel oft proclaims the man.’ The dress a man wears,...
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Essay on “It is better to Travel than to Arrive” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

It is better to Travel than to Arrive Outline: The statement more applicable to travel in the past – it is true even today – its larger, metaphorical application – it states only one aspect of our experience. Taken in its literal sense, this statement is better applicable to travelling in the past than to travelling today. In the past travelling was dangerous and difficult and called forth considerable courage and...
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