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Essay on “Brain Drain” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

BRAIN DRAIN Essay No. 01 According to a UN definition, the flight of talent that is required for a country’s development to another country is called brain drain.  We have been experiencing this problem ever since we won out freedom.  It was with great effort and high hopes that we set up our institutes of higher education. It is unfortunate that thousands of our doctors and engineers are leaving the country...
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Essay on “One Day Cricket Match ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

ONE DAY CRICKET—THE CRAZE OF THE DAY                   Game is a game ; one must play it in the spirit of game.                                  — Anonymous                   Cricket is a game known for its wonderful glories, fluctuating fortunes and tantalizing suspense.  It is popular with men and women of all ages and almost all times.  Whenever there is a cricket match, people crowd the playing fields in thousands or sit...
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Essay on “Future of English in India ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

FUTURE OF ENGLISH IN INDIA OR LANGUAGE PROBLEM IN THE COUNTRY TODAY OR SHOULD ENGLISH BE ABOLISHED AS A SUBJECT OF STUDY?   India is a vast country inhabited by people speaking different languages.  Languages has, therefore, been a very controversial issue right since India became free.  Different political leaders and educationists have been expressing different opinions on the subject.  Even today the issue remains as unresolved as it was half...
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Essay on “A Terrifying Experience ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A TERRIFYING EXPERIENCE     Life is full of varied types of experiences.  Strange, in fact, are the ways of God.   If a man is happy today, he may be quite unhappy the very next day.  Some experiences are pleasant and joyful while others are full of pathos and pain.  If at one time a person finds himself on top of the world, at another time he is depressed and downcast. ...
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Essay on “My Pet Aversion ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

MY PET AVERSION   Man is a strange creature. Every man has his own likes and dislikes.  One man’s meat may be another man’s poison.  Some like things hot while others like things cold.  Tastes, temperaments, attitudes, aptitudes, strengths and weakness differ from person to person.  I have my own likes and dislikes.                 I am a normal human being, as social and successful as anyone else.  There are some common ...
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Essay on “Journalism as a Profession” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

JOURNALISM AS A PROFESSION   Journalism as a profession is gaining ground in these days.  There is an explosion of information.  We are living in a fast changing world with a fast flow of information.  A large number of magazines and journals have come up.  Today, we have a number of news agencies trading in news and there are more than two scores of associations of journalists in the country.  There...
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Essay on “Freedom of the Press” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

FREEDOM OF THE PRESS OR THE RIGHTS OF THE PRESS OR SHOULD PRESS BE REALLY FREE? OR A FREE PRESS– THE BACKBONE OF DEMOCRACY OR JOURNALISM IN INDIA Essay No. 01                   “I would rather have a free Press, with all the dangers that may result from a wrong use of that freedom, than a suppressed or strangulated Press.”– J.L. Nehru                   “Were it left to me to decide...
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Essay on “Rural Uplift Programme of India” Complete Essay for Class 10 and Class 12.

RURAL UPLIFT PROGRAMME IN INDIA   In free India, rural uplift programmes were initiated in the year 1952 under community development programme.  These were aimed at changing the face of the countryside, and building a new outlook among the village folk.  Under the Five Year Plans, a high priority is being given to these programmes.  Much is yet left to be done as most of the people live in villages.  However,...
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