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Learn Computer Network “Network Security” Lesson 4

What is internet? History of Internet • In 1969, the US Department of Defense started a project to allow researchers and military personnel to communicate with each other in an emergency. The project was called ARPAnet and it is the foundation of the Internet..In 1971 Ray Tomlinson made a system to send electronic mail. • in April of 1999, there were 92.2 million Internet users over the age of 16 in...
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Learn Computer Network “Network devices” Lesson 3

Network devices   Without network devices our computers wouldn’t be able to connect to the internet as well as to other computers . It is thus very clear that these are very important devices and without them we cannot be able to work efficiently with our computers. Some network devices are given in the picture that are used to form a network. Where when we form a LAN then some devices...
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Learn Computer Network “Advantage and disadvantages of network.” Lesson 2

Advantages of Installing a Network in schools Connections– Administrators, instructors, and even students and guests can be connected using the campus network. Services-The school can provide services, such as registration, school directories, course schedules, access to research, and email accounts, and many others. (Remember, network services are generally provided by servers). Internet-The school can provide network users with access to the internet. Computing resources-A high quality printer that is installed in...
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Learn Computer Network “What is network?” “Why do our computer need network?” Lesson 1

What is network? A network is two or more computers, or other electronic devices, connected together so that they can exchange data. For example a network allows computers to share files, users to message each other, a whole room of computers to share a single printer, etc. Let’s have look on network diagram. You can see many computers,server,printer are connected through cables for resource sharing. Why do our computer need network?...
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