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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Martin Luther” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Martin Luther Germany : Religious Reformist Born : 1483                 Died : 1546 Martin Luther is supposed to be father of ‘Protestantism ‘ in Christianity. With the passage of time many evils had crept into the Roman Catholic religion and the priests were taking full advantage of their position. Many people in the past pointed out these evils and were put to death because of their criticism of the misuse of...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Solomon” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Solomon   Israel : His name spelled wisdom Born : 973 B.C.          Died : 933 B.C. For ages, King Solomon’s name has been regarded as synonymous with wisdom. Hundreds of stories circulate all over the world regarding his sense of justice. It was said that if King Solomon could not find a solution to a problem, it could never be solved. You must have read the story regarding two women...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Marc Chagall” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Marc Chagall   Russia : A representative painter of 20th century Born : 1887          Died : 1985   Marc Chagall is considered as one of the talented painters of twentieth century, as great as, if not greater than, the world renowned Picasso. Chagall who was born in Russia, but lived in France, has left his indelible mark on lithography, etchings, murals, inlay work and artwork on painted...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Benito Mussolini” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Benito Mussolini   Italy : Exponent of fascism Born : 1883  Died : 1945 Mussolini’s dictum was ‘Live Dangerously’. His entire life exemplified it. He was an ardent nationalist who lived and died for his principles, even if they were outmoded. The conditions in Italy after the First World War were quite miserable. Internal disorders and social conflicts beset that nation. At this time, Mussolini talked of restoring Italy’s prestige and...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Ho Chi Minh” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Ho Chi Minh   Vietnam : Father of Vietnamese nation Born : 1890 Died : 1969 Ho Chi Minh is one of those leaders and patriots who lighted the torch of freedom for their countrymen and emancipated them from the tyrannical rule of colonialists and imperialists. For the Vietnamese people; he is as great as Washington, Garibaldi , Mao Tse Tung, Lenin and Gandhi who liberated their people from the yoke...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Giuseppe Garibaldi” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Giuseppe Garibaldi Italy : The founder of modern Italy Born : 1807 Died : 1882 Garibaldi, the founder of modem Italy, is counted amongst those patriots who gave up their lives to the service of their motherland. He was the symbol of courage and ideal life. He was a valiant fighter, who . was able to fulfil the dreams of Mazzini of a united and strong Italy. Garibaldi was the leader...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Christopher Columbus” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Christopher Columbus   Italy : A great navigator Born : 1451 Died : 1506   The Europeans were anxious to find the sea route to Asia, fabled for its silks, condiments and riches. Columbus also dreamt of reaching Asia after crossing the Atlantic Ocean. Born in Genova (Italy) in 1451, he became a sailor at the young age of 14. From his very childhood, the thought of crossing the seas and discovering...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Arthur Schopenhauer” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Arthur Schopenhauer   Germany : A great philosopher and ideologist Born : 1788        Died : 1860 Schopenhauer was one of the great philosophers who left an indelible mark of his original thinking for all times to come. Even before his death, his writings and views had become subject of reflection. His thoughts were discussed at length and even today his influence on later day philosophers is discernible. Schopenhauer believed that...
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