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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Plato” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Plato   Greece : Idealist Philosopher Birth : 428 B.C.  Death : 347 B.C. Plato is considered the father of Western political philosophy. Plato was the pupil of the great Athenian philosopher, Socrates, and so in his philosophical thoughts he is much influenced by him. Plato was born at .a time when Greece was divided into small city states which were suffering from various evils because they were not ruled by...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Adolf Hitler” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Adolf Hitler   Germany : Dictator Birth : 1889 Death : 1945 No single individual influenced the course of history in the twentieth century so profoundly as Hitler, though it was an adverse influence. Germany emerged from the World War I as a weak, defeated and humiliated country. However, within years of Hitler’s coming to power Germany became the strongest power of Europe. By his blind policies of conquest, Hitler pushed...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Amrita Shergill” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Amrita Shergill   India : An Artist Born : AD 1913           Died : AD 1956 The credit for modernising art in India goes to Amrita Shergill. Her work display an assimilation of Indian and Western art. Amrita Shergill, who gave new dimensions to Indian art, was herself influenced by Mughal and Rajasthani style. The many art exhibitions she held gave impetus to her art. Her best known paintings are: An...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Joseph Priestly” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Joseph Priestly   England : Inventor of Oxygen Born : AD 1733                    Died : AD 1804 The world today spends millions and trillions of rupees on aerated drinks like Coca-Cola. Did Joseph Priestly know that by mixing carbon-dioxide in water he would be giving the world a new business and that a transaction in millions would ensue? He was awarded a gold medal for this invention. But, the discovery of...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Amrita Pritam” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Amrita Pritam   India : Punjabi Author of World Fame Born : AD 1919   Death AD 2005 Amrita Pritam is one of the great writers of modem India. A Gyanpeeth award-winner for 1983 for her Kagaz to Kanvas (Punjabi), Amrita Pritam has authored more than 60 books. Her works have been translated in as many as 30 languages. Besides Punjabi, she has mastery over Hindi and Urdu. She was nominated as...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Birju Maharaj” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Birju Maharaj   India : A Kathak Dance Wizard Born : AD 1938 If one were to refer to Kathak Dance, the name to be conjured with will be Ilirju Maharaj. It is he who has established Kathak as a classical dance-form. He is a great guru who has produced renowned artists, evolved different styles and new traditions. Kathak dance form flowered due to his efforts. If it is popular and...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Abu Nidal” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Abu Nidal   Palestine : International Terrorist Born : AD 1937    Death AD 2002 In the last few years acts of terrorism are growing constantly. Thousands of people have lost their lives in air crashes. Sometime back a Pan-Am aircraft exploded in mid-air causing death to 239 persons. Many similar tragedies have occurred in the past. All these acts are linked to Abu Nidal, the dreaded terrorist from Palestine. The...
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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Rukmabai Tuller” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Rukmabai Tuller India : A Woman of Fortitude Rukmabai Tuller is an ideal woman to be emulated. She is an inspiration for Indian woman to get up and walk on the path of life despite troubles and tribulations. Life was not smooth for Rukmabai. It dealt her harsh blows but her spirit could not be broken by the difficulties it posed. Married at 12, a mother at 14, and widow at...
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