Science Project on “Trapped Heat”, Project Experiment Topics on Environmental Science for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.
Trapped Heat
Materials Required:
- Two small, plastic butter or margarine tubs
- Plastic food-wrap
- Two thermometers
- Soil
- Water
Is plastic bag efficient in keeping warmth? Fill two small, plastic butter or margarine tubs with soil. Add water to the soil and mix it. Push a thermometer into the middle of each tub containing mud. Set both the tubs around a warm, sunny window for one hour.
An hour later, pick up the tubs from the window. Read the temperature showing on each thermometer and write it down (the temperatures should be the same). Put the thermometers back. Cover one of the tubs with some plastic wrap, wrap it tightly around the thermometer. With a pencil, make a small hole for the thermometer, through two or three more sheets of wrap. Place these over the wrapped tub too. How long does it take for the two tubs of mud to lose their heat and reach room temperature? Did the tub covered with plastic wrap keep its warmth longer?
Do this experiment again, but this time, cover one tub with one sheet of plastic wrap and the other with two sheets. Find out if the tub wrapped with two sheets of wrap keep its warmth longer?
Likewise you can test the ability. Test the ability of other things to keep the heat intact, like aluminium foil or paper napkins. What is the best insulator you can find?