Science Project on “Sheltered From Heat”, Project Experiment Topics on Outer Space for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.
Sheltered From Heat
Materials Required:
- A thermometer
- A large shady tree
- Pencil and paper
Heat energy received from the sun is mostly beneficial, for many reasons. However, there are also cases where the sun’s warmth and heat can cause a lot of problems to its end users.
In winter, everyone loves to bask in the sunlight, but when the same amount of sun comes in through your window in summer, you rush to put on your air conditioners and fans to make you feel more comfortable.
A very good natural cooler that can be used against the sun, is a tree. If you plant trees around your house, you can keep your home a lot cooler, naturally.
If you want to find out absolutely correctly, all you have to do is go near a large tree and stand in its shade on a hot, sunny day. Hold a thermometer at your shoulder height and avoid contact with the bulb of the thermometer. Wait for some time there and then measure the temperature and note it down.
Now go to a place in the open, where there are no trees and measure the temperature there in the same way.
Once you record the temperature, compare the two readings that you have find out some patterns on them that represent capital letters and connect the dots to make them. Pass on the other copies to your friends and relatives and ask them to find their own patterns in the dots. Remember, not to show them the patterns that you have created. The objective is to find out whether they find the same patterns or not.
The Constellations of Stars
Without the help of a telescope we can see about 6,000 stars in the sky at night. Half of these can be seen in the northern sky and the other half in the southern sky. As we look at the stars we realize that we can form groups or shapes among them. These groups and shapes were mapped and classified by astronomers and given different names. The mapped and classified clusters of stars were called “constellations.” About 88 different types of constellations have been identified so far, out of these 45 were charted and named by the Greek astronomers and the remaining has been identified in modern times.
All constellations are not visible every night. Some are seen only during certain seasons or at a certain time in the night. Some of the commonly known constellations are the ones which are used as Zodiac signs, others include the Ursa Minor, Ursa Major, Polaris, Hydra etc.