Paragraph on “Music” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12
We express our thoughts and Feelings through music. Music is made by musicians who organise various sounds and blend rhythm, harmony and melody in a pattern which makes it pleasing to hear. It is possible that prehistoric people may have chanted sounds to make music but some of the most, ancient, musical instruments were flutes, pipes and lutes which were played by the Sumerians. Today composers write music by using musical notation codes, these codes were first used by monks in the 9th century for holy songs and as time went by they developed into the notes, we use today, by the kith century. Music can be as simple as a lullaby which is sung to child or it can be as complex as an opera or an orchestra. A music note is created by a vibration of the air with the help of a musical instrument. The various forms of music include Traditional music, Folk music, Religious music, Rock music, Jazz music, Chamber music, Military music etc.