The Future of Democracy in India | Social Issue Essay, Article, Paragraph for Class 12, Graduation and Competitive Examination.

The Future of Democracy in India Scheme of the Essay Exposition: Democracy is more a way of life. Rising Action: It was thought that the Asian countries were not suitable for democracy. Climax: India does not have healthy opposition. Voters are not much educated. The judiciary and press are not independent to a great extent. There is a lack of moral integrity. Falling Action: It seems that the future of democracy...
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Democracy Recedes as a Global Ideal | Social Issue Essay, Article, Paragraph for Class 12, Graduation and Competitive Examination.

Democracy Recedes as a Global Ideal Scheme of the Essay Exposition: America considers herself morally obliged to export its political way of life. Rising Action: But now this moral obligation is receding in the thinking of Americans. Climax: (1) Americans have started doubting that every country would be better off if it had democracy. (2) Presidents from John F. Kennedy to Ronal Reagan tried democracy to check communism. (3) Though President...
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Centre-State Financial Relations | Social Issue Essay, Article, Paragraph for Class 12, Graduation and Competitive Examination.

Centre-State Financial Relations Scheme of the Essay Expositions: Constitutional provisions Rising Action: The Tenth Finance Commission formulated two sets of devolution schemes Climax: (1) According to the new scheme state govt. will get Rs. 2091 crore more during 1996-97 and it has many other advantages (2) Modification suggested by the Finance Ministry (3) The ministry’s suggestion to remove destruction between plan and non-plan expenditure is good Falling Action: Scheme suggested F.M....
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Presidential System is More Suitable to India | Social Issue Essay, Article, Paragraph for Class 12, Graduation and Competitive Examination.

Presidential System is More Suitable to India Scheme of the essay Exposition: Parliamentary system has failed in India Rising Action: The coalition government is a nail in the coffin of Parliamentary democracy Climax: (i) All parties agree that the system should be changed. (ii) Even Dr. Ambedkar was in favour of it. (iii) Minor constitutional amendments will bring the change. (iv) The presidential system will help the nation in many ways...
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Violence against Women | Social Issue Essay, Article, Paragraph for Class 12, Graduation and Competitive Examination.

Violence against Women Scheme of the essay Exposition: Women have been subject to violence for centuries. Rising Action: According to the Government’s statistics in India 120 rapes are committed every day. Climax: (1) Negative social attitude towards the victims creates psychological problems. (2) Rape is a sexual as well as cultural attack, (3) There are certain stress reactions to rape, (4) The government has shown an insensitive attitude, (5) Indian women...
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Indian Woman Today | Social Issue Essay, Article, Paragraph for Class 12, Graduation and Competitive Examination.

Indian Woman Today Scheme of the Essay Exposition: Indian women experience several torments. Rising Action: They follow the path of resistance. Climax: (1) Factors in history made them silent acceptors, (2) Marriages result in slander, (3) Women need protection for her biological role, (4) Disharmony leads to threats. Falling Action: Social organisations should explain the law. Ending: Women must raise their voices effectively. Sometimes ignorance is not a bliss. Especially when...
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Reservations for Women | Social Issue Essay, Article, Paragraph for Class 12, Graduation and Competitive Examination.

Reservations for Women Scheme of the essay Exposition: There are many hurdles in passing the 81 Amendment to the Constitution Climax: Reservation for women in parliament is blocked by funding excuses. Moral issues are ignored Powerful women have never been able to influence the party bosses. Upper-class women can socially, dominate Ending: An impasse is created due to some reasons. To be politically correct or to commit political suicide is the...
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Capital Punishment is a Necessary Evil | Social Issue Essay, Article, Paragraph for Class 12, Graduation and Competitive Examination.

Capital Punishment is a Necessary Evil Scheme of the Essay Exposition: The moral argument for the death penalty is invalid. Rising Action: Many countries are beset with violent crimes. Climax: (1) Some say abolish the death penalty because it has not deterred crime. But hard punishment does deter (2) Some say it is against the norms of civilised society but a cruel person should not get the protection of the civilised...
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