Sample Paper of Computer Science 2014 for class 11, CBSE. Paper No.2

Sample Paper – 2014 Class – XI Subject – Computer Science   [Operating systems, programming methodology, Fundamentals of C ++,  I/O in C++, Operators & Expression, Control Statements]   What is an operating system? Give few o/s available. 1 What is a compiler? 1 What is a file? 1 Define a Process. 1 What is FIFO? 1 Define lexical. List few with examples. 1 Name three types of debugging errors. 1 Who...
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Sample Paper of Physics 2014 for class 12, CBSE. Paper No.2

Sample Paper – 2014 Class – XII Subject – Physics Time: 3Hrs No of pages: 04                                                                                                                  M. Marks: 70                General instructions: All questions are compulsory. There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question of two marks, one question of three marks and all three questions of five marks. Question numbers 1 to 8are very short answer type questions, carrying one mark each. Question...
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Sample Paper of Multimedia & Web Technology 2014 for class 12, CBSE. Paper No.1

Guess Paper – 2014 Class – XII Subject – Multimedia & Web Technology     Q1. Answer the following questions on the  basis of ASP:                                                (20)   What is the difference in HTML and ASP file? 1 Name two equivalent tools of ASP. 1 Explain the steps to create a virtual directory in IIS manager.                                  1 What is the difference in Adrotator and Content rotator?                                        1 5) Identify the following:                                                                                                 2...
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