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Letter to your friend expressing your condolences on his failure in the examination, for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

Write a letter to your friend expressing your condolences on his failure in the examination.

16, Hazrat Ganj,


My dear Sandeep,

I have come to know from your sister’s letter that you could not get success in your final examination. The news gave me a great shock and pained me deeply. I am really very cony to know it.

Dear Sandeep, I know you worked hard to get through but unfortunately you could not achieve your goal. I think the old type of question papers do little with the students. They encourage cramming of facts and information and ignore the acquisition of knowledge. Due to that, you could not succeed in the examination.

I hope you will not lose heart and you will try your best to achieve success in the next examination.

Please convey my regards to respected uncle and love to youngers.

Yours sincerely,

Ranjit Singh

October 22,20 


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