Learn Computer Network “Network Security” Lesson 4
What is internet?
History of Internet
• In 1969, the US Department of Defense started a project to allow researchers and military personnel to communicate with each other in an emergency. The project was
called ARPAnet and it is the foundation of the Internet..In 1971 Ray Tomlinson made a system to send electronic mail.
• in April of 1999, there were 92.2 million Internet users over the age of 16 in the United States and Canada. By 2005, it is predicted 75% of the total US population will be online.
• Internet is the example of WAN network
Network Security
Security is the process/technology that provides safe data communication over the network and it provides security to the computer or to the whole network. There are many types of security software including antivirus software, encryption software, firewall software and spyware removal software. Additionally, many operating systems also come preloaded with security software and tools. The two most common types of security software used for personal computer security are antivirus software (virus protection software) and antispyware software (spyware removal software).
There are many safety concerns that you have to follow to safe your computer. List is as given
• Never share your password – with anyone.
• Use strong passwords that contain at least 8 characters and a combination of alphabetic, numeric, and symbolic characters.
• Do not base your password on casual personal information, such as your birth date or something that anyone would know about you.
• Change your password regularly.
• Don’t write down your password – anywhere.
• Log off of public computers if you either step away from the keyboard or are finished using it.
Network Security tools and services-
Network security tools are some software that are used to secure network infrastructure and these software give information about the network .for an example which system is creating problem. some of the tools are as given
1- Network Sniffers, Protocol Analyzer and Packet Capturing
Sniffers that is used to monitor data on the network. A sniffer can be a software program or a
hardware device on a wired network. Sniffers can capture traffic of the network. One of those tools called a protocol analyzer makes this job easy.
- IT professionals use these tools to find and resolve problems on their network, ensuring a safe, secure and well-managed data network.
2- Port Scanning & IP Scanner Tools
Why do I need a network port scanner?
- Every network administrator should be aware of the fact that a network port scanner is one of the most important utilities they will use in their day-to-day duties. Every network LAN and WAN is at risk of suffering a security threat that can destroy a network. Vulnerabilities exist in every corner of the network that results into careless configuration.
- By using this tool a network technician can get to know at what part he has to secure the network or computer system.
3- Internet Filtering Software & Monitoring Tools
- Internet filtering solutions that gives you the ability to control what content/websites your users can access. Tools that can secure school, company and home internet access.
- The Importance of Using An Internet Web Filter In Your Business/school
- An internet filter is software designed to block employees/students from the many inappropriate websites that they are not allowed to visit.
- Web Filters Can Prevent Employees/studentsFrom Seeing Images and Content Dealing With:
- Alcohol
- Drugs
- Violence
- Gambling
- Weapons
- Tobacco
- Web filters can prevent employees/students from using social networking websites like face book, LinkedIn etc. all together. Most students/employees are simply not mature enough to use it.
- Web filters ensure that even if managers are not present for any reason, that there is no possibility of their employees becoming diverted by the inappropriate and illegal content and images floating around the internet.