Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Evil of Beggary” Complete English Essay for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, Graduation classes.

Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Evil of Beggary” Complete English Essay for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, Graduation classes.

Evil of Beggary

India is a poor country. A large majority of the people lives below the poverty line. They do not get even a square meal a day. They have made begging their profession. We come across beggars here, there and everywhere in cities. They are in rags and half-naked. Some of them may be genuine but most of them are ungenuine. They besmear their faces with ash and hold begging bowls in their hands. They produce painful cries to move the passers-by to give them alms. Some invoke the blessings of God to make the passers-by part with some money. If the passers-by do not give them any money they threaten to curse them. There are certain beggars who go from place to place to collect alms. If ever they see a passerby, they follow him. They do not leave him unless he gives them alms. Those who are not genuine beggars have turned begging into a business in which they have not to invest any money. We should help only those beggars who are handicapped and are unable to work. The government should issue license to genuine beggars. If any other is caught begging he should be firmly dealt with


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