Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Role of Vitamins in Our Life” Complete Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Role of Vitamins in Our Life
Every food almost has some vitamins. Vitamins are organic substance which are essential for the growth of the body and are required in small amounts. Their deficiency causes sickness and stunted growth. Vitamin A (retinol) is found in foods of animal origin viz., shark, liver oils, eggs, green vegetables. Carotene is also a source of Vitamin A. It is a yellow pigment found in vegetable foods. it is converted into Vitamin in the body. The deficiency of Vitamin A in the body causes night blindness. Intact Vitamin-A deficiency in the body causes Xerophtalmia leading to blindness. The recommended daily allowance of Vitamin A (retinol) for men, women and children is 600 mcg. But for lactating women and infants it is 950 mcg and 350 mcg respectively. Vitamin B, (Thiamine) is a white crystalline powder with a yeast like odour and saltish taste. Thiamine is absorbed from the small intestine.
The capacity of the human intestine to absorb thiamine (B1) is limited to about 5 mg per day. Vitamin B1 is found in yeast, green vegetables. Its deficiency causes beri-beri disease in growing children. Neuritis and anaemia are also caused by Vitamin B, deficiency. The recommended daily allowance for men in 1.3 mg; for women 1.0 mg; for children 1.1 mg and for infants 50 mcg. Riboflav in (Vitamin B2) is essential for obtaining a steady and continuous release of energy from carbohydrates. Its deficiency causes cracks and soreness at corner of the mouth and of the tongue; opacity of the cornea and digestive upsets. Dermatitis and Pellagra are the major diseases caused by Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) deficiency. The recommended daily dose of Vitamin B2 is 1.5 mg for men; for women 1.2 mg; for children 1.3 mg and for infants 60 mcg. The rich sources of Vitamin B2 are milk, cereals and vegetables. Vitamin B3 (Niacin or Nicotinic Acid) is an odourless, white, crystalline substance, readily soluble in water. Niacin is important for proper blood circulation and the healthy functioning of the nervous system. Meat and fish are better sources of niacin deficiency of niacin causes depression, mental dullness. The recommended daily dose of vitamin B3 is 17 mg for men, 13 mg for women, 15 mg for children and for infants 650 mcg Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) is a water soluble vitamin of the B complex group. It is a part of the enzyme system and plays a vital role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The best sources of Vitamin B5 are yeast liver and eggs. Vitamin B5 deficiency causes loss of hair mental depression and irritability. Pantothenic acid is good for arthritis patients. The recommended daily dose of Vitamin B5 is 10 mg for men, for women 10 mg and for children 5.5 mg. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) is a white, crystalline substance. It is soluble in water. It is mainly concerned with protein metabolism in the body. Its deficiency in the body is unlikely because it is found in extensive quantities in foods. Vitamin B6 (Biotin) strengthens in munity. It is one of the most active biological substance ever known. Vitamin B5 (Folic Acid), in combination with Vitamin B12 is essential for the formation, maturation and multiplication of red-blood cells. It is the single most important nutrient for a pregnant woman and her developing foetus. Its deficiency causes anaemia. Cyno Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) is freely soluble in water. The necessary dietary intake for men in one mcg, for women it is 1 mcg, for children 0.2-1 mcg and for infants 0.2 mcg on daily basis. Other members of vitamin B group are choline and Inositol. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) is an Antibiotic Vitamin. It is readily soluble in water. The deficiency of Vitamin C causes scurvy-a disease characterised by bleeding from the gums and other parts of the body after or without an injury. The sources of vitamins are citrus fruits such as gooseberries, guavas, limes, lemons, oranges and papayas. One of the most significant functions of Vitamin C is the formation of collegan a protein substance that cements the cells together. Vitamin D (Calciferol) is also known as sunshine vitamin the deficiency of which causes rickets in children and is characterised by defective bone formation. Vitamin D is produced from a substance present beneath the skin when sunlight falls upon the surface of the body. It is required in very small amount (.01 mg) in the body for assimilating calcium in the digestive tract. Tocopherol (Vitamin E) deficiency leads to reproductive disorders and female sterility. The daily intake required for men is 15 mg, for women 12 mg, for children 8.3 mg and for infants 4.5 mg. Vitamin K is fat soluble vitamin. It is also known as an anti-haemorrhagic vitamin. It is essential for blood-clothing. The daily intake for men 70-140 mcg, for women 70-140 and for children 35-75 mcg. Cow’s milk is good source of Vitamin K. Vitamin K (Polliquonin) is fairly distributed in food.