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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “An Indian Marriage” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

An Indian Marriage


        Marriage is a day of great importance in the life of a man and woman. The happiness of the whole life depends upon a good marriage.

        Among the Hindus, marriage is a very big affair. Grand preparations are made for the occasion. The whole house is whitewashed and furniture is varnished. Beautiful dresses and ornaments are prepared. A large amount of money is spent on this auspicious occasion. Relatives are invited from far and near, and entertained for days together.

        The Hindu marriage takes one full week. The bride is bathed, re-bathed and bathed again with the holy water of the Ganga on particular days. A kind of yellow paste is rubbed all over her body. She is dressed in new clothes. The maidens dance and sing and play on the piano. Outside the courtyard the band plays and the ‘Nafiriwallah’ is busy at his trade. The whole house is full of music people shout, children cry and women laugh heartily.

        On the marriage day every member of the house wakes up earlier than usual in the morning. Grand arrangements are made for the reception of the bridegroom and the marriage party. They are received at the railway station. In the evening, the ‘barat’ is taken out in a procession through the city streets in motor car and other vehicles. People are than entertained late in the evening.

        At night a priest is called for performing religious ceremony. The bride is made to sit on the right of the bridegroom. A fire is lit, incense is burnt and the priest recites ‘mantras’ from the holy ‘Vedas’. The couple go round the fire seven times. The conches are blown and the marriage ceremony comes to an end. The assembled people bless the couple and wish them a happy married life.

        At last the time for parting comes. The bride parts in tears from her parents, her relatives and her friends. This a very touching scene. It does not leave anyone unaffected.


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