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Essay on “Terrorism” Complete Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.


Essay No: 01

Terrorism is actual or threatened use of violence for political goals, directed not only against the victims themselves but also against larger, related groups, of a scope often transcending national boundaries. The term usually implies action by non-governmental groups, or by irregular or secret units, operating outside the usual parameters of warfare and sometimes aiming to foment revolution. The origins of the terrorist wave that began in the 1960s can be traced to the unresolved Middle-East conflict between the Arab nations and Israel.

There is some guy saying that his people suffer from exploitation and racism, that they are consequently being discriminated against by outsiders of a certain kind, and that, in order for his people to survive and retake their rightful place in history, it needs violence and resistance against the oppressors, namely the Jews and their cousin America, and with them the entire Western world. Actually, there isn’t just one guy of that kind. There are plenty, and there have been plenty of them in the past. One of them is named Adolf Hitler, who claimed to be fighting for the future of the German race, the other is Osama bin Laden, who claims to be fighting for the future of the Islamic world. Recruited young men, brainwashed them, made them terrorise their own people until they would get the power they wanted. In the world of the first one, to unleash infinite havoc, it was necessary that he take over a state, namely Germany, to carry out his crimes. In the world of the second one, terrorism on a grand scale is sufficient, for there would be weak states his people could extort to help him, or middle-sized powers who would work for the same aims and use the same kind of ideology. Both would denigrate women and reduce them to their biological identity, both would be deeply totalitarian, ultra-violent and depriving their people of any kind of education. The name for such a movement is fascism. Funnily, or rather, outrageously, the second guy is somehow rated differently than the first guy. How come? Because he would be from the Third World that is constantly exploited by the colonialist-imperialist-capitalist-zionist-orientalist-crusaderist cultureless West? Because we should sympathize with the plight of the Palestinian people? Contrary to him, the West indeed sympathizes with the Palestinians, as can be seen by constant attempts at negotiation. H though, he doesn’t. Why should he. They are just rhetorical cannon fodder, victims of people of his kind, and the kind of Yasser Arafat. Contrary to him, the West indeed has a guilty conscience, not entirely without reason, but also not entirely with much of it either. But that’s a different and more complicated story. Unlike America and Europe, terrorists are not interested in achieving peace; they’re not interested in providing a better Life for their peoples. Arafat clearly prioritizes war against Israel over the welfare of his people. Saddam prioritized his megalomaniacal attempts at regional dominance over the fate of his people, who were dying during so-called peace time not due to the sanctions regime but due to the reign of a dictator belonging to the fascist Ba’ath party who couldn’t care less about his people. Bin Laden has worked to destabilize countries like Bosnia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Indonesia, violating not just the interests of their people but also the heart of Islam. Bin Laden is as much a Muslim as Hitler has been a Christian or the Soviets have been communist.

It is not the so-called West that constitutes an enemy of the Islamic countries. It is the fascist movement of the likes of Bin Laden, it is regional dictators, it is terrorists movements like Al Aqsa, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and the likes. Why? Because they have equated political aims with violence and reduced the other to an enemy that can be killed whenever, wherever, however for no other reason than that they are different (which is the essence of both racism and fascism). Terrorism ridicules the political aims it may have sprung from, taking hostage the cause and negating its justification, be it in Palestine, Northern Ireland, the Basque country, Kurdistan or wherever. Bin Laden and those he stands for have already succeeded in finding willful servants within the so-called West and the so-called Third World who are proliferating the all-time favourite weapons of Anti-Semitism and Anti-Americanism.


Essay No. 02


Terrorism can best be defined as the systematic use of terror in a variety of ways as a means of gaining the desires by force. In consequence, there is a growing sense of insecurity all round and danger seems to lurk at almost every step in countries where there are specific causes for unrest, local, regional or international.

Terrorism in not confined to any single state, country or region. It has now become an international phenomenon. If there is conventional attack or invasion, governments concerned can meet it effectively. But terrorism and sabotage from within are such nasty things that they do not admit of any satisfactory preventive measure. People are viewing a cinema show in the hall and suddenly a bomb goes off leaving all the adult members of a whole family dead. People are going on a holiday from one station to another with rosy dreams of good times ahead. Suddenly a drama is enacted in mid-air. If the worst does not happen in mid-air, the plane may soon land in an unfriendly country exposing the passengers aboard and their folks back home to untold misery. In short, death is lurking at the most unlikely places, holding the whole communities, states and nations to ransom.

Why do the terrorists strike, and what do they gain from their acts of cold cruelty ? The answer is very simple. The terrorists strike out of desperation and they gain nothing at all. On the other hand, they lose a lot. They get a bad name not only for themselves but also for the group, community, organisation to which they belong. They act out of desperation.

It is an unfortunate fact that even in the Independent India, atrocities continue to be inflicted on innocent people by the Police and other law enforcing agencies. Quite a few young men participating in routine political activity organised by a cross-section of organisations are killed in the various parts of the country in the so-called ‘encounters’. It is very often argued on behalf of the terrorists that, when the custodians of law begin to kill innocent persons in cold blood in fake encounters, and redress against such atrocities is not available anywhere, what else can their relatives and friends do to quench the thirst of revenge ?

Almost every sensible person in India, irrespective of his affiliation, condemns terrorism straightaway and honestly believes that it serves no purpose. But at the same time, almost everybody believes that in the third world countries terrorist activity is in the nature of retaliation against the State terrorism. In these countries a nexus is easily established between the habitual criminals, smugglers and upstart politicians. Sometimes criminals themselves put on the grab of politicians and spoil the body politic of the nation. These people unscrupulously use the state machinery for their personal gains and use brutal government force to settle their personal scores or simply to teach a lesson to their political rivals. Under a totally corrupted system, the victims of such high-handed action cannot secure redress anywhere by any means. It is felt that such frustrated persons in utter desperation take to the gun. The rule of late Idi Amin in Uganda is often quoted as a classic example of how power turns the heads of the political upstarts, and to what extent such people can go for the abuse of that power. When the life of the victims of such blatant abuse of power becomes meaningless and they find no difference between life and death, they resort to terrorism in the false hope that in this way they can, at least, hope to meet a glorious end. But they are mistaken and, therefore, here too they are beaten. A terrorist is no match for the might of the modern organised State machinery. Therefore, terrorists generally meet a very tragic end. Sometimes they have even to commit suicide.

The only way to stop terrorism is that those in authority should understand their responsibility and see to it that all sections of the society are actually treated equally before law and enjoy equal protection of the laws of the land. People who help the rulers to stay in power by extending to them their support in and outside the legislature should not be allowed to arrogate to themselves the sovereign power of the State for the furtherance of their personal interests. If all citizens are really treated equal and are able to secure redress of their grievances through constitutional methods, nobody would like to risk his own life and the lives of his near and dear ones in the foolish adventure of terrorism.

The menace of terrorism, by no means unfamiliar to the preceding generations, has assumed grave proportion in recent years. There can be no doubt that terrorism is the ugliest face of the political dissent anywhere. However laudable the cause for which the terrorists may be fighting, their way of fighting is most treacherous and cowardly. The murder of innocent persons and the destruction of public property cannot be condoned for any reason whatsoever. Terrorism is a phenomenon which must be condemned universally and unequivocally.

Essay No. 03



Terrorism is a tested weapon to achieve the political objectives of a misguided but dedicated group by causing intense dread in another group of people, whom they long to coerce or crush. It is a global phenomenon which sprouts from political, religious, or communal frustration. An attempt on the life of the former British Prime Minister, Mrs. Margaret Thatcher, the assassinations of Mrs. Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi and Bombay-Calcutta Bomb Blasts are the most heinous and naked acts of terrorism. It shook the nations when an organised and large-scale terrorist gang of Germany struck Western Europe. Similarly a great havoc was caused by a notorious gang of Germany, Italy’s red Brigade and various Palestinian organizations. Some countries have set up antiterrorist units to deal with the terrorists.

India at present is the worst hot-bed of terrorism. Terrorism is being practised in Punjab by a group of ideologically motivated fanatics. The State has been witnessing a spate of terrorist activities right since the dawn of the last decade. Massacres of innocent people by terrorists have become a routine and regular matter. The people are gunned down with impunity in spite of the posting of large security forces in Punjab. The Khalistan Commando Force and the All Sikh Students’ Union are motivated by both vindictive and communal considerations. Even the paramilitary forces deployed in Punjab are mightily terror-stricken. Khalistan is quite an unjust and preposterous demand of the fanatics because fragmentation of the motherland is the ‘murder of the motherland. The terrorists or militants by whatever name they are called, they are fifth columnists and traitors to the nation.

The terrorists play havoc with human lives and property by perpetrating lawlessness. Their aims are neither national nor patriotic but are purely sectarian and communal. Insurrectional violence on a selective basis has become the order of the day.

Similar situation prevails in Jammu and Kashmir. There is perfect anarchy and chaos. The terrorists kidnapped Rubia, the daughter of former Union Minister Mufti Mohd. Sayeed and succeeded in getting some of their fellow terrorists released. Explosion at Meenambakkam airport at Madras and murderous attack on the Jordian Ambassador are links of the same chain. The Bodos, the Naxalites and the ULFAs are also perpetrating terrorism by making odd demands. Terrorism is widely prevalent in Tripura, Assam, Bihar, M.P., U.P. and Andhra Pradesh. The historic Charar-e-Sharif shrine at Srinagar was burnt down by Pakistan trained mercenaries. Twenty militants were killed in heavy fighting with troops. A similar incident took place while 17 persons lost their lives in a bomb blast in Jammu. Four foreigners were kept on bondage by the Alfran group. The Babbar-Khalsa group kidnapped Mirdha’s son in Rajasthan. The Chief Minister of Punjab (Sardar Beant Singh) was assassinated. Bombs were exploded on the buildings of Stock Exchange in Bombay and near Red Fort, Connaught Place and Lajpat Nagar Central Market in Delhi. These fresh incidents were deadly and dreadful. Most of the terrorists are out and out in favour of segmenting, segregating and mutilating the hitherto integrated nation.

As long as society remains sick and rapt with social, political and economic injustice etc, terrorism in some form or the other remains. It may be suppressed or subdued for a time but it will raise its head again whenever there is the slighter provocation.

There is another cause. Direct or indirect encouragement is provided by vested interests outside or within the country, to the dissatisfied youths on one pretext or the other. They have no respect for law and order which they put out of order. Their weapons range from daggars to the most sophisticated lethal scientific devices. Money is no problem for them — there is no dearth of donors and donators.

It is an acknowledged fact that terrorism cannot be eliminated with appeals or appeasements since some hostile and neighbouring countries are not only training and financing them but are also lending them patronage. Effective rescue units should be raised to counter the menace caused by perpetrators and abettors of terrorism to crush their terroristic assaults and restore the lost peace and prosperity. They must be spoken to in the language they best understand. Interestingly, terrorism infests almost all along India’s borders. It is pity that India, the land of Buddha, Nanak and Gandhi is regarded as one of the most dreaded terrorist infested zones in the world.

Let us hope that the menace will be dealt with successfully and finally wiped out.


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