Home » 10th Class » CBSE ASL Speaking Topic a teacher asks his students certain questions regarding General Knowledge.

CBSE ASL Speaking Topic a teacher asks his students certain questions regarding General Knowledge.

CBSE ASL Speaking Topic a teacher asks his students certain questions regarding General Knowledge.

Conversation on the Topic “Teacher and The Students” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

Teacher: Good morning, students.

Students: Good morning, sir.

Teacher: Students, today I shall ask you certain questions on General Knowledge. Are you fully prepared?

Students: Yes, sir.

Teacher: Now, tell me who was the first President of the U.S.A?

Ram: Sir, George Washington was the first President of the U.S.A.

Teacher: You are right. Next question. Who was known as Iron man of India?

Sham: Sir, Sardar Patel.

Teacher: Correct. In which year the first battle of Panipat was fought?

Surinder: In 1526, sir.

Teacher: Yes. Who discovered America?

Sita: Columbus.

Teacher: Yes. Who is the founder of the Sikh religion?

Hardeep: Guru Nanak, sir.

Teacher: Right. Which are the most important religious books of the Hindus?

Swarna: The Vedas.

Teacher: Correct. Which is the currency of the U.S.A.?

Ramesh: Dollar.

Teacher: Yes. Which is the currency of the U.S.S.R?

Asha: Rouble, sir.

Teacher: You are right. Now which is the currency of Norway?

Anita: Kroner.

Teacher: Yes. Which is the capital of U.K?

Meena: London.

Teacher: Right. Which is the capital of Italy?

Partap: Sir, it is Rome.

Teacher: Correct. Which river flows by London?

Amarjeet: Thames.

Teacher: You are right. Which is the highest mountain in the world?

Pramilla: Mount Everest.

Teacher: You are correct. Who invented T.V.?

Anju: Sir, J.L. Baird.

Teacher: Yes. Then who invented Telephone?

Saroj: Sir, Graham Bell.

Teacher: Who wrote the book Das Kapital?

Kamla: Sir, Karl Marx.

Teacher: Correct. Then who wrote Godan?

Sita: Sir, Munshi Prem Chand wrote it.

Teacher: You are right. Who said “Dilli Chalo”?

Suksham: Sir, Subhash Chander Bose.

Teacher: Right. Now tell me who said, “Swaraj is my birthright”.

Narinder: Lokmanya Tilak.

Teacher: Very good. Who was Plato?

Gopal: He was a great Greek philosopher and writer of the book “Republic”.

Teacher: Very good. Now the next question is, who was Socrates?

Krishna: Sir, he was the teacher of Plato.

Teacher: O.K. dear students: It seems that today all of you have prepared well. I am very glad.

Students: Thank you, Sir.


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