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Official Letter Example “letter to the Principle of your college requesting him to make effective changes in the college library” Complete Official Letter for All Class 10

Imagine you are Vikas. Write a letter to the Principle of your college requesting him to make effective changes in the college library.   Examination Hall, X Y Z City, July 29, 2016 To             The Principle,             ….. college,             X Y Z City. Sir, I am a student of B.A. Part II class of your esteemed college. I wish to point out certain drawbacks in the college library. These...
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Essay on “The Politics of Communalism” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The  Politics of Communalism POINTS TO  DEVELOP 1. Conflict inherent to a society in transition like that of India. The pre-independence communal situation led to the framers of India’s Constitution establishing a secular state and accommodation of cultural diversity. Communalism, however, could not be removed and it now operated at various levels- individual, local, institutional and national political levels. political parties have encouraged communalism to establish support bases. Socio- religious organizations...
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Essay on “Communalism” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Communalism POINTS TO DEVELOP 1.Typical  results of communal riots often reported in the media. Broad definition of communalism and the problems associated with causes. causes of rise of communalism in India. communalism is a vicious circle. Politics and communalism. Efforts needed to check communalism.   It  has become quite common nowadays to find news reports in the print and electronic media referring to violence between religious communities resulting in heavy lose...
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Essay on “Corruption in Public Life” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Corruption in Public Life Essay No. 01 POINTS TO DEVELOP 1. Corruption in public life bothers everyone. 2.Meaning of corruption in public life. 3. Not a new phenomenon. 4. Standards of morality have consistently gone down in politics, bureaucracy, and law corrupt practices. 5. Every field is imbued with corrupt practices. 6.Causes of corruption and their possible remedies. If two or more persons meet and start talking about the present society...
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Essay on “Elections – Lacunae and Remedies” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Elections – Lacunae and Remedies POINT TO DEVELOP 1. Indian democracy under the shadow of electoral malpractices. Criminalisation of politics and elections. practices of rigging and booth- capturing.      4.Elections have become too costly.      5.Communal considerations in elections are common. Elections do not show clear majority. Electoral malpractice criticised. Need for reform underlined. Remedies suggested. Conclusion.     India is known to be a democratic republic but there...
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Essay on “Judicial Activism” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Judicial  Activism Essay No. 01 POINTS TO DEVELOP 1. Broad meaning of the term ‘judicial activism’. concept of ‘ basic structure’ of the Constitution born out of judicial activism. PIL and judicial activism. judiciary as part o the three wings of polity; the roles of the three wings and how judicial activism fits into the picture. instances of judicial activism getting the desired results. judicial intervention inevitable – even necessary –...
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Essay on “Role of judiciary in a Democracy” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Role of judiciary in a Democracy POINTS OT DEVELOP 1. Concept of separation of powers in a democracy. independent judiciary a must in a democracy; how the idea grew and developed . Role of the judiciary- judge the validity of laws passed ; decide on the right and wrong of executive action; uphold the Constitution and resolve constitutional deadlocks an dilemmas. judicial verdicts have brought down rulers in a democracy. limitations...
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Essay on “The Role of Opposition in a Democracy” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Role of Opposition in a Democracy Essay No. 01 POINTS TO DEVELOP 1. Place of ‘opposition; in various forms of government and origin of the concept. 2. opposition and the party system. 3. function of opposition in a democracy- form alternate up public opinion and get it incorporated in policies; bring up priority issues for attention of the policy makers; ensure the upholding of the constitution. 4. in times of...
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