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Essay on “Coalition Politics in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Coalition Politics in India   Today’s era is of Coalition Politics. Indian politics is trying its best to adjust to the coalition politics. In the last nine years we have seen six Prime Ministers and four general elections. In the last two years three Prime Ministers assumed office. Prior to 1989 there used to be single party majority with stable governments. But now-a-days it is very uncertain to say that who...
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Essay on “ Criminalisation of Politics ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Criminalisation of Politics   Essay No. 01 Criminalisation of politics is one of the serious problem affecting the democracy of our country. A large number of criminals are entering the Parliament and Legislative Assemblies. According to the Election Commission, about 700 MLAs and 40 MPs were involved in criminal cases. Out of the 13,952 candidates in the last elections, nearly 1,500 had cases of murder, dacoity, rape and extortion pending against them....
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Essay on “Is non-alignment relevant ?” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Is non-alignment relevant ?   Non-alignment is relevant today and will continue to be relevant in future. Non-alignment is a unique contribution of Indian foreign policy to the world politics. Its rationale for existence is being questioned in today’s Post Cold War era. Old systems of power blocks are giving way to new power arrangements and new problems in international politics. The relevance of non-alignment is greater to the extent how it approaches...
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Essay on “Corruption- Do we need it or can’t help it” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

    Political Problems  or Corruption- Do we need it or can’t help it   Corruption is a worldwide phenomenon. It has become a way of life. It has something to do with human nature. It has affected all–the developed as well as the developing countries, the rich and poor. It is only a question of degree, some more and some less. The element of greed forms part of human nature...
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Essay on “India at 50 – Achievements and Failures” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  India at 50 – Achievements and Failures   India has celebrated its golden jubilee of independence. In the last 50 years its achievements have been remarkable on various fronts but failures have been equally noticeable. Its unity and integrity have been intact despite various subversive and fissiparous tendencies. Indian economy has been moving towards higher rates of growth but the gap between rich and poor have been also widening over...
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Essay on “Resurgence of Judiciary ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Resurgence of Judiciary    Judiciary is one of the important pillars of our democracy along with executive and legislature. Its independence has been ensured in our constitution. But in recent years, Indian judiciary has pronounced landmark judgements which is being viewed as encroaching upon executive jurisdictions. It is not a correct observation. Actually judiciary is doing its duty by judging the issues on its merit. The role of judiciary widened due...
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Essay on “Consumer Protection- Why and How ?” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Consumer Protection- Why and How ? Consumers have been at the receiving end. They have been exploited by the businessmen and dealers because businessmen and dealers not only indulge in unfair trade practices but also carry on grossly anti-social activities like creating artificial scarcity, hoarding, over charging, black marketing, adulteration of food stuffs, etc. In the light of these practices consumers need to be protected. In recent years consumer awareness...
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Essay on “Sustainable Development” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Sustainable Development ‘Sustainable Development’ has become the most debatable topic today. It has raised many controversies between Development and Environment and that is why it is most relevant today. In India this concept has even greater relevance due to controversy surrounding the big dams and mega projects and related long term growth. Environmental deterioration is increasing day by day due to deforestation, over-grazing, greenhouse gases, etc. If not checked in...
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