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Essay on “Export or Perish” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Export or Perish Since the advent of internationalism states of the world have become members of the world community. As such others depend upon them and the depend upon others. It is not possible for any single state to produce everything which they need for consumption or to have the raw material for every goods because natural resources are limited to certain areas of the world. So export is absolutely...
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Essay on “Role of Public Sector in The Indian Economy” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Role of Public Sector in The Indian Economy or Indian Economy  Essay No. 01 The modern concept of a welfare state throws heavy responsibility on the shoulders of the democratic government for boosting up nor only the trade within the country but also our export potential. India has been wedded to the policy of democratic socialism. So we have been discouraging, to a great extent private enterprise though it is...
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Essay on “Can Technology Help Indian Villages?” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Can Technology Help Indian Villages? or Technology and Rural Life Essay No. 01 “Go rural”. This is the ‘in’ phrase in the current culture of economic planning and development. The magical code words open many a door of perception but the success in translating the phrase into action depends upon the efficiency of an the strategy to be adopted by the Government. The present effort of decision-makers to give a...
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Essay on “Black Money problem in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  How to Curb Black Money or Black Money problem in India Black money is political-cum-administrative problem. Its accumulation is the result of the evasion of taxes like income tax, sales tax, custom duties, death duties, etc. This hoard cannot be used for honest business; it is used for black market operations, donations to political parties, conspicuous consumption and bribery. All of these lead to more accumulation of black money. According...
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Essay on “Role of Banks in Solving Unemployment” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Role of Banks in Solving Unemployment With manpower planning still in its infancy, emphasis has all along been laid on financial and physical targets in Indian Planning. The result has been that optimal deployment of human resources has not received due attention in our Five Year Plans. The Sector targets of the plans have somhow underplayed the need for linking them with their employment potential and therefore, notwithstanding the growth...
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Essay on “Need for Peace and Harmony in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

    Need for Peace and Harmony in India         People all over the world had though, that with advance in science, in medicine, in education, there would be a peaceful revolution in all the developing countries. It was thought that the big powers, having seen the destructiveness of nuclear and other weapons, would try to resolve their differences in a peaceful manner and whole world would devote...
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Essay on “Role of Bureaucracy in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Role of Bureaucracy in India In a democratic state, Ministers are generally not matured administrators. Most of them do not know anything about the administrative process and also the administrative details. Similarly, most of them cannot carry on the administration, even of their own departments, without the help of civil servants. The government may change and if the permanent administrators are not there, the whole administrative system will receive a serious...
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Essay on “Need for Electoral Reforms in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Need for Electoral Reforms in India Indiscriminate adoption of democratic form of Government had made it more or less a farce. In fact for the proper working of democracy politically conscious people, well organized opposition, independent judiciary, free press and, above all, proper type of representation to all the interests of the society are necessary. All of these factors, taken together are essential because these constitute the props of the superstructure...
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