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Letter of Recommendation for Employee, complete letter of Recommendation example.

Letter of Recommendation for Employee   Your Name Your Address Your City State, Zip Your Phone number Your Email Date Name Position Department Office Address City, State, Zip. Dear Sir, As a manger of company name) am happy to recommend (name) for the position of to your office. He joined the firm as a trainee and within two years was promoted as the Asst. Manager. (Name) is highly enthusiastic and hardworking...
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Decline to Write a Letter of Recommendation, complete letter of Recommendation example.

Decline to Write a Letter of Recommendation Dear Name, This is in reference to the request for a recommendation letter dated (date). I wish to let you know that recommendation letters arc best written by colleagues or superiors who know you abilities and professional qualities well. Since I am from a totally different profession and I hardly know you from past month and that time was not enough to know your...
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Nursing Letter of Recommendation, complete letter of Recommendation example.

Nursing Letter of Recommendation   To whomsoever it may concern Dear Name, I would like to recommend_________  for the position of a senior nurse in your department. I am the superintend of__________   hospital and have known________  from past six years. She is extremely good in her job and is a nurse always liked by the patients. She is very hardworking, patient and dedicated nurse who takes care of the patients and...
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Letter of Recommendation for Award, complete letter of Recommendation example.

Letter of Recommendation for Award   Dear (Name of the principal/higher authority) I have been very impressed by (name) work as college secretary As a secretary he/she has shown excellent work and solved issues pertaining to the students. He/she has spent hours in meeting people and fellow students for the fund raising event conducted last year. She/he also helped develop the cultural club of the college and guided to receive many...
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School Recommendation Letter, complete letter of Recommendation example.

School Recommendation Letter   Dear Name, This is a recommendation letter for______________________ a who would like to join your law school .I have known him past three years and he has been an excellent student in his degree academically, I have notice a unique thing about him that he gives his best in pursuing his interest and always maintains a positive attitude. His extra ordinary ability to think out of the...
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Sample format of Recommendation Letter, complete letter of Recommendation example.

Recommendation Letters   Job Recommendation Letter To further ones career a person usually is in search of a proper job and the one that gives them the maximum satisfaction. At such a juncture recommendation letter from their employers helps a lot in finding and getting a new position. This is one such letter given to the employee of the firm who is seeking a job at another company.   Here is...
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Promotion Letter for Manager, complete letter of Promotion example.

Promotion Letter for Manager Promotion letter for manger used to be written with intentions to make him informed about promotion. Managers used to be given extra incentives and hope for getting incentive only if you become agreeable on what it is given to you.   6th August, 2011 Nancy D’Souza Manager, SABKA Bank Gurgaon   Dear Ms Nancy D’Souza, It is pleasure to announce that you have been going to be...
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