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Write a letter to your father telling him about progress in your studies. Letter for Class 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Examinations.

You are Goldy. You are residing in a Hostel. Write a letter to your father telling him about progress in your studies. National School Hostel, Shimla  June 5,  ……….   Dear Daddy, You will be pleased to hear that I am making progress by leaps and bounds in my studies. I am working day and night and burning the midnight oil. I get up before dawn and never let the books...
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Letter to your mother giving her a Good News, Informal Letter for Class 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Examinations.

Write a letter to your mother giving her a good news. 512, A. T. Road, Guwahati, Assam June 1,……….. My dear Mother, You will be pleased to hear that I have passed the Senior Secondary Examination of the C.B.S.E. in the First Division by securing 350/500 marks. I have stood first in my class and secured distinctions in Math’s and Science. We are quite well here and hope everybody is hale...
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Letter to the Editor of a newspaper showing your reaction to a news, letter for Class 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Examinations.

Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper showing your reaction to a news about permission granted by the government to construction of a building block in an open green piece of land near your locality.   B/18, Sharda Apartments, Sector 4, Rohini, New Delhi. September 27   The Editor, The Hindustan Times. New Delhi-2.   Sir, I want to draw the attention of the authorities towards the grant of...
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Letter to the Editor of a newspaper about publication of some Advertisements which mislead the students in the selection of their future studies, letter for Class 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Examinations.

Write a Letter to the Editor of a newspaper about publication of some Advertisements which mislead the students in the selection of their future studies.   24-Panchsheel Enclave, New Delhi-58. February 5……   The Editor, The Hindustan Times, New Delhi-2.   Sir, It is to bring to your kind notice the frequent appearance of some advertisements of some Educational Institutions offering degrees in the fields of Engineering, Medicine, IT and various...
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Essay on “A Burnt Child dreads the fire” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Burnt Child dreads the fire Outline: A burnt child is afraid of the fire – a bad experience makes us careful -experience is the best teacher – no amount of advice is of any use – it is soon forgotten we learn best from our personal experience. This proverb says that a burnt child dreads the fire. If a child goes too near a fire, it will burn itself. The...
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Essay on “Mock not a Cobbler his Black Thumbs” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Mock not a Cobbler his Black Thumbs Outline: A cobbler’s thumbs get black because of the work he does—he should not be despised for that – we should not despise anyone on account of the work he does—however humble that work may be – there is dignity in honest work -everyone must be taught to respect the dignity of labour. A cobbler does a humble job. He makes an honest living...
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Essay on “Laugh and be Merry” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Laugh and be Merry Outline: The context and meaning of the line – the defeatist attitude to life – the attitude of cheerfulness – laughter – a sense of humour. In one of his popular poems John Mansfield exhorts us to laugh and be merry. He reminds us that life is brief and we should make the best of it. God created the world out of joy— the joy that is...
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