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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts on Human body and Life” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 8

Facts on Human Body and Life Part-8 71. We are the only animals that copulate face to face. 72. The average a person laughs is about 15 times a day. 73. Mumps is an infection that causes painful inflammation and swelling of the salivary glands. It is an infectious disease that may sometimes prove fatal to children. The disease is caused by a virus in the saliva of an infected person....
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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts on Human body and Life” interesting facts that we should knew Part 7

Facts on Human Body and Life Part-7 61. Intelligent people Indians of the Amazon Valley in South America speak without moving their lips. As a result, the sound comes out of their noses. 62. The bushmen of Africa still communicate without the use of any sounds while hunting- they make signs to indicate, for example, that cattle has been sighted. 63. The first successful blood transfusion took place in a hospital...
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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts on Human body and Life” interesting facts that we should knew Part 4

Facts on Human Body and Life Part-4 31. The phosphorus present in our body can make 3,200 matchboxes. 32. As many as 900 pencils can be made with the amount of carbon present in our body. 33. A diet rich in vegetables and fruits helps lower your risk of cancer. 34. According to the science of body language, if an individual shifts while talking, it means he disagrees or wants to...
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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts on Human body and Life” interesting facts that we should knew Part 3

Facts on Human Body and Life Part-3 21. The body is a very complicated system consisting of millions of cells organized uniquely and functioning dynamically together. It is divided into 8 systems- the skeleton, the muscles, the circulatory and respiratory systems, the digestive system, the urinary system, the glandular system, the nervous system and the skin. 22. The body comprises around 75 per cent of water at birth. But this can...
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