Letter regarding soliciting enquiry with manufacturers.
Letter regarding soliciting enquiry with manufacturers.
Jan. 2, 2003
M/s Kozikusha & Co.,
11, Central Street,
Tokyo, Japan.
We take the pleasure in informing your good selves that we are one of the major manufacturers of plastic products in the country and enjoy a good market reputation in the trade circle. We have been in the market for the last twenty years. Plastic products are catching up rapidly with more and more people preferring plastic products. Keeping this in view, we are planning to increase our production capacities by installing five additional machines.
We came across your products at the India International Trade Fair in Delhi which we really appreciated. We also have an Import Licence as actual users. You are therefore requested to kindly send an illustrative catalogue of your latest machines of different varieties. Alongwith it kindly sends your most reasonable quotation to enable us to purchase from your esteemed organisation.
Your early reply is awaited
Yours Sincerely,
Delhi Plastics Ltd.
Director Purchase