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Letter to the editor drawing the attention of the municipal authorities to the nuisance caused by stray Animals roaming on the road causing traffic jams.

Letter to the editor drawing the attention of the municipal authorities to the nuisance caused by stray Animals roaming on the road causing traffic jams.


KKR Senior Secondary School

Kamal Enclave


10th May, 20xx


The Editor

The Indian Express

New Delhi


Sub: Nuisance Caused by Stray Animals

Through the column of your esteemed daily, I would like to express the difficulties caused by stray animals near our school. Ours is a newly developed school situated on the outskirts of the city.

Stray animals are a significant threat to pedestrians and vehicle drivers regularly causing traffic jams and often accidents too. Only recently a cow drove its horns into a class nine student causing severe injuries in his abdomen. The dairy owners let loose their domestic animals to graze on the household waste and garbage. Many a time the life of many a student is endangered on account of accidents caused by these animals. Stray animals are ubiquitous in the street in front of our school. Often they sit on the road causing considerable inconvenience and danger to the passers-by most of whom are students of our school. Several complaints made to the authorities in the past days have been in vain. You are requested to give some space to my letter in your prestigious newspaper so that it may reach the ears of the authorities. I hope that the concerned authorities will look into the matter and take immediate steps to solve the problems of the residents.

Thanking you

Yours truly


Head Girl

KKR Senior Secondary School


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