Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » English Short Story “Handsome is that handsome does” Complete Moral Story for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 Kids and Students.

English Short Story “Handsome is that handsome does” Complete Moral Story for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 Kids and Students.

A Proud Stag

Once there was a stag in a forest. He had beautiful horns on his head. He was very proud of them and felt very happy to see them. He felt that the horns were his crown. But his legs were not as beautiful as his horns. He felt very sad to see them and wished that his legs would have been as beautiful as his horns.

One day some hunters came to the forest to hunt. On seeing the stag grazing in the sun, they set their hunting dogs free. They began to run fast barking towards the stag. The stag heard the sounds of barking. It was a warning for him.

The stag now began to run and entered the forest. The dogs still chased him. The sounds of the barks were louder now. Suddenly, he got into the dense growth of the trees and plants. He was now tired and wanted a hiding place to rest. As he tried to move away from there, his horns got caught in the branches of the trees. He tried hard to free himself from the trees. But Alas! his attempts to free himself proved useless.

In the meantime, the dogs came there. They pounced upon him and killed him. Thus the stag lost his life because of his beautiful horns of which he was very proud.

Moral: Handsome is that handsome does.


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  1. Rekha jain says:

    Handsome is that handsome does

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