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English Essay/Paragraph/Speech on “Revolution in Communication” for Kids and Students for Class 8, 9, 10, Class 12 and Graduation Examination

Revolution in Communication

The concept of Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam (the whole world as one family) is becoming a reality due to advancement in technology. Now, distant places are being brought closer day-by-day by modern means of communications. They have succeeded in removing a sense of alienation among people living in different and distant parts of the globe. With free exchange of news, views and feelings, today, the whole humanity shares happiness and sorrows as members of a large family. Of course, there are feuds, but feuds are not uncommon in families. They will also vanish if the flow of communication between warring groups gets strengthened.

Man has come a long way since when he used horse-riders and pigeons for sending messages to distant places. The first telegraph cable was laid between England and France in 1850 which had helped to link all the major European cities with London. Then Marcori’s invention of radio in 1895 and high frequency wireless telegraph in 1896 provided a boost to distant communication during the early twentieth century. Another major and remarkable achievement in this area was the electro-magnetic telephone invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. His telephone with slight modifications is the commonest means of the masses even today.

But today’s competitive world demands faster channels of communication for protecting its business interests and satellite communication is an answer to this demand. Artificial satellites are set up into space and by controlling their speed of orbiting at par with the rotation of the earth the stationary effect is achieved. These satellites are equipped with instruments to receive and send telephone and television signals throughout the world. Live telecasts of major world events and international telephone calls are made through satellites. Television operating under wide umbrellas of satellites reaches even remotest corners of the world. Commercialisation of its programmes has turned this medium into a gold mine. Now the viewers have multiple options of programmes providing information and entertainment.

The armed forces put RADAR to great use for sending and receiving communication. Most of the newspapers and news agencies are connected by teleprinters which provide them with printed messages.

We are going through a period of revolution in the field of communication. Telephone, telegraph, radio and television have made the communication quick and easy. They have shrunk the world and have granted us the power fit for gods which we use like children.

Now, printed messages are exchanged by teleprinters connected to the public telecommunication network by means of Telex (a system of telegraphy). Through Fax, messages can be sent from one place to other along with picture, and the actual draft. It is a costly means of communication because it requires fax machines on both ends. Written information can now be sent to different places with the help of computers connected with telephones. Business information can now be exchanged between shareholders directly by the Electronic Data Intercharge (E.D.I). The mobile telephone service in India began on a limited scale in Delhi in the early eighties. Keeping in view its profitability aspect and the increasing desire among Indian businessmen, the Government has started cellular telephones in the four metropolitan cities.

The Department of Telecommunication has already finalised the list of companies which have opted to run the paging system in twenty cities. Through the paging system, one can get anything from stock market prices to the weather report on the page screen. The radio paging service was first installed in Bombay in 1992 by Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL). Radio Paging Service launched by AIR on January 14, 1995. This facility will enable subscribers to send messages to persons on move. AIR is the first in Asia to use this technology. The INTERNET (Computer network) system has made the vast world of ours a global village through telephone lines and computers.

The VSAT service, Voice Mail, Iridium Network, INMER-Set and GRAM-Set will also be installed in our cities in near future.

Let us hope that the modified means of communication would lead India to the path of prosperity and fulfill the needs of her teeming millions.


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