Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » Essay on “The Most Eventful Day in My Life” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay on “The Most Eventful Day in My Life” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Most Eventful Day in My Life

No other day in my life was more eventful than the one on which I was to go abroad for the first time. I reached Delhi, from where I was to fly, early in the morning that day, and as my flight was scheduled for late afternoon, decided to put myself up at a hotel until then. I left the hotel a while after I had checked in, to spend sometime in the city. Though it was the morning rush hour, with all the city-bound buses crowded, I was lucky to get a rear seat in one of them.

No sooner did the bus travel a few hundred meters, than a loud sound was heard near the engine. Almost simultaneously, the front portion of the bus blew off. The passengers near the driver’s cabin were thrown off their seats even before they could realize what was happening. I assumed. in the nick of time, that the sound was due to a bomb explosion, and with presence of mind, opened the door of the emergency exit which was behind me. Though the door was opened within a few seconds of the blast, a number of passengers has already reached it to jump out. I could feel the passengers pushing my back, trying to make way for their escape. With many passengers crowded around me, all of them waiting to jump out at the same time, it was very difficult for me to make my way out.

A little later, the push from behind gained enough strength to eject me and a few other passengers on to the road beneath. Though I fell a few feet, and a couple of others piled over me soon afterwards, I was not, quite surprisingly, seriously injured. I fell on my side with my left arm beneath me; but except for a few bruises on my forearm and a pulled shoulder muscle, I was quite unhurt.

A few of us who were less hurt, broke open the window panes with stones to let more passengers escape. The exercise continued until all the trapped passengers had been rescued. It was gratifying at the end to note that, except for a few who suffered bruises, all the others escaped without injuries, Meanwhile, people from nearby houses joined in the rescue work and they arranged vehicles to send those injured to hospitals. I too, despite my stiff shoulder, stayed on at the scene, contributing my bit-to the effort. Though not seriously injured, I was badly shaken by the incident, and for a while, even forget about my more important journey that was to follow later in the day.

A brief rest in the hotel room helped me re-cover from my shoulder injury as well as revive my enthusiasm for the important journey ahead. My mood was quite buoyant when I was airborne on my maiden overseas journey. However, after flying for nearly an hour, the pilot received a bomb threat, which made him return to Delhi. For me it was the second time in a few hours that I had come face to face with weird adventure and possible death. But since nothing happened well after the aircraft started its return, the passengers’ stress started easing. Many passengers, in fact, seemed cheerful.

However, we were in for a rude shock while the plane was preparing to land. The pilot announced that the tyres of the aircraft had burst and that everyone was to prepare for an emergency landing. Real panic broke loose after the announcement, but none could afford to be hysterical. We were given last-minute instructions on how to escape through the chutes after the plane touched the ground. The rumbling noise of the aircraft landing on its belly was the indication that the moment of truth had arrived. It was also a signal to us to move to the exit doors. Through the exits that automatically opened into the chutes, the entire complement of passengers, numbering over three hundred, were evacuated within seconds, with none of them suffering even a mild scratch. All of us were thankful to the crew for having arranged our escape most efficiently, and to God for our good fortune. We were too excited and dazed to express anger when we came to know later that the threat was a hoax. But, lying in bed in my hotel room, later in the day, I could not help wondering how it was possible to ward off two close calls of deaths within a period of a few hours.


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  1. Maharsha says:

    Nice. Very very entertaining at the same time pretty scary!!!

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