Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » Essay on “Mock not a Cobbler his Black Thumbs” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay on “Mock not a Cobbler his Black Thumbs” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Mock not a Cobbler his Black Thumbs

Outline: A cobbler’s thumbs get black because of the work he does—he should not be despised for that – we should not despise anyone on account of the work he does—however humble that work may be – there is dignity in honest work -everyone must be taught to respect the dignity of labour.

A cobbler does a humble job. He makes an honest living by mending shoes. In the course of his work, his hands become dirty and his thumbs get black. So we should not despise him or make fun of him because of his black thumbs.

There are many humble but useful jobs that people have to do. All of them play an important role in society. For instance, a street sweeper’s work is very humble. Yet the city would be a dirty place if the sweeper were not there. He does a useful job. So we should not despise him on account of his job. The same is true of a cobbler.

A certain dignity is there in all kinds of honest labour. We would not look down upon anyone because he does a humble job. Each labourer has his own dignity. We should respect the dignity of each human being. No man loses his dignity because he happens to do a poorly paid job.

All of us must learn to respect the dignity of labour. We should not be ashamed to do any kind of job provided that it is honest. Children must learn to respect every labourer however poor he may be. Our country will improve only when we have a right sense of values and no false pride.


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