Formal Letter example “The Principal, Concerning Daughter’s 3rd Treatment” English Letter Writing
The Principal, Concerning Daughter’s 3rd Treatment
The Principal,
440, Sector 15,
D.A.V. Public School,
Faridabad, Sector 14,
24th October, ……
Dear Madam,
I do not like making complaints but I think you might to know that Deepti came home yesterday with serious cut over her eye and in a rather emotional state.
It appears that she had been struck by a boy- I think his name is Goonjan – who simply terrifies her. It was difficult to get the full story from Deepti but I gather that the boy hit her with a stick or cane that he wears in his belt.
Deepti is in such a state of fear that is it was not easy persuading her to go to school today. I have reassured her, I believe, by emphasizing that you will be certain to see that it does not happen again. I am quite sure that a word from you to the boy to questions will suffice. I should not like him to get into unnecessary trouble through this episode.
Apart from this incident, Deepti has been most happy at D.A.V. Public School and my husband and I are most grateful to you for the progress she appears to be making.
Yours truly,
Anita Bhasker