Home » Paragraph Writing » Paragraph on “Waves and Tides” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Paragraph on “Waves and Tides” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Waves and Tides


The two most common and regular motions of the oceans are the ‘Tides’ and ‘Waves’. The Moon’s gravitational pull on the Earth causes the level of water in the oceans to rise and fall, thus causing high and low tides. When the Moon is opposite an ocean, the water is pulled upwards thus causing a high tide. This happens on the opposite side of the Earth as well because the Earth gets attracted towards the Moon. Tides occur twice in, approximately, every 25 hours, the time taken by the Moon to complete one revolution around the Earth. The surface of the seas and oceans is constantly in motion, we constantly see waves rising and falling on the surface. Waves are merely a circular motion of water which is caused by winds which blow over the oceans and seas.


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