Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » Paragraph or Speech on “A Rainy Day” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Paragraph or Speech on “A Rainy Day” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Rainy Day

The rain is welcomed because it brings down water to sustain our life. All our water sources, rivers, lakes and underground springs depend on rainwater. Where there is scantly or no rain desert conditions prevail and life in such areas of the world is miserable. Animals and plants do not thrive there. Sometimes rains are not welcome because of the inconvenience it causes, but is something we cannot do without for the very depends on it.

The midday was getting very sultry and the sun on a steely sky was scorching and so it was oppressive to walk along the road even with an umbrella. As the our advanced dark clouds began to appear and very soon the sky was getting darker with heavy clouds. One could almost feel the coming rains when cool winds began to lash.

The first rain cooled the hot surface of the roads. As water began to flow, the drains got their fill and the stream rushed through them carrying all the dirt of the road. The drain pipes were full and brought down water with a noise. The cars that dashed along the roads did splash water on all sides. Boarding the buses in such a condition was a problem and the streets were wet and flooded.

After an hour the rain stopped. The sun began to shine and soon the roads were dry and once again the life was busy. There was a freshness in the atmosphere. Because it rained during the school hours, children  were not much affected as it would otherwise be if it rained in the evening.


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