10 Lines on “How To Prepare A Cup Of Tea” English Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.
How To Prepare A Cup Of Tea
1. There are more than ten ways of making a cup of tea.
2. Some like to drink without milk, some like to drink tea without sugar, some like to drink tea with a little salt in it and so on.
3. But the simplest way is to put some water in a pot.
4. Place it on a stove. Let the water boil for some time. Pour it into a cup placed nearby and cover it.
5. Then boil milk in a separate pot. Put it in another cup.
6. Now pour the milk in a cup of boiled water and then put a small tea bag with a string in the mixture and stir it for some time.
7. Next add sugar in this cup according to your requirements.
8. Now your cup of tea is ready. Sip it slowly but hot.
9. It will give you energy and freedom from boredom or tiredness.
10. You will feel relaxed. and pleasant. This is the way I prepare my own cup of tea. It is soothing