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Uninvited Guests, Complete English Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 9, 10, 11, 12, Graduation and Competitive Examinatio

Uninvited Guests

Guests are pests, at least so I thought when I saw a large number of guests in our house. Some were known, but some were quite unknown to all of us. We had never seen them, never thought of them. Have you ever heard or received so many guests at your house, without any notice, letter, telegram, or telephones?

It was last Diwali when this thing happened. We were all invited for food to our friend’s house. My Mummy was really sick and she was not in a mood to go out for food. She could not eat anything. But she accompanied us just for company’s sake. The men folk had finished their meals and the ladies were about to begin, when our servant came running to ask for the keys. He also brought the information that a large host of guests had arrived. I was all merry because I had no friends to play but when I looked at my mother, she was all upset. To tell the truth, my Mummy always welcomes the guests. We always have a guest or two at our house. But the thing now was different; she was not well and she was not informed. We had only one servant. That meant exertion for Mummy. As we children had finished our meals, we came home with our father. Our so-called uncle and his guests were very homely. I only knew one adopted uncle and his wife and children. But the other elderly and gentlemen were quite new to me.

Now it was my job to prepare so much tea. I can prepare 4 to 5 cups of tea without anybody’s help. But how to make so much of tea, nearly 15 to 20 cups all alone? Still, I managed with the help of our servant. My Mummy is particular that there should be something to eat with tea. So, I also produced some dishes with eatables prepared by my sick Mummy for Diwali. The guest’s finished these things in no time. I was surprised at this. How could they eat so much in so short a time? But I had no time to think because I could hear somebody calling my name: “Kukee, your Mummy has made very nice chura and the chakly is so crisp! Please bring us some more.” This was another praise for my Mummy which I did not like. But what to do? I took the things they wanted and they devoured them like demons. Then another order came from outside: “Kukee, the driver is sitting outside. they all became fresh (so they said). Don’t forget to give him tea and something to eat!” After tea

In the meantime, I went to Mummy and told her the actual to come home to face the job. number of guests at our house. She was very furious but she had

When we came, some guests were relaxing with their legs on the table and heads on the embroidered cushions. Children were playing with the radio. The empty cups and saucers were also lying here and there near the chairs. Burning with anger inside, but putting on a very sweet smile on her lips, she welcomed the guests. I was wondering at her double role.

After resting a while, the guests went out for shopping. And my poor father had to face a tremendous job. My father always says: “Kukee, when your mother is in mood, she is Indian, and when she is out of mood, she is Red Indian.” I thought she must be Red Indian now. “What is this? Does your friend think that our house is a lodging and boarding house? Why should he bring so big a battalion without any notice?”…..and so on. I pitied my father, because he had to bear so much without any fault of his.

Anyhow Mummy prepared the meals. The guests came at about 9 p.m. and ate to their hearts’ content, though they said at first that they were not hungry.

They were in our house only for half a day, from one o’clock in the afternoon till 11 o’clock at night. But I was completely tired of them. And my sick Mummy! She had to do such a lot of work; you will not believe. But I helped my Mummy with the cooking. What more a boy of my age can do?

Now my greatest desire is that those guests read this essay of mine, so that they may know the much inconvenience they caused us by coming with so many people and without any notice.

760 Words


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